I can tell you didn't read the law nor my comment.
I can tell you didn't read the law nor my comment.
I'm amazed that you can't see how letting grown men into the bathroom would be a bad thing. I've read more about men videotaping women in the bathroom in just the last month than I ever had before. The proof speaks for itself. Use your brain, not your feelings. We shouldn't cater to less than 1% of the population just…
Did you even read the law? If they’ve had the surgery they can use the opposite bathroom.
Idiot, if we saw a grown man going inside before we would say something, stop trying to normalize it.
I know right? Now I have to go into the women's bathroom with my 4 year old daughter and stand outside the stall while she uses it. Before I could stand outside and if a grown man walked in I could stop him. These leftist morons want to normalize grown men going in so they could videotape them. Fucking freaks.
Let’s see...
Cool, MWF2 was my first COD game but I've heard amazing things about cod4.
Xbox? I found the problem.
Play the best version of it, Wrath of the Lich King
He also mentioned he intentionally set it so most players are black. You have a much higher chance of rolling a black character than anything else which is a shitty way force this stuff on us.
If you’re worried about “offending” someone then maybe you shouldn't be making games. Did the medieval paintings care if they offended someone? Does music care about offending anyone? If you can't make a game you want or a game you can't put your heart into then don't be surprised if it doesn't sell well or get good…
Sounds to me like your “paranoid about everything” nerve got pinched. Grow up, you're not a victim. You're not oppressed. Get over it.
And the YouTube comment section is suppose to represent the entirety of white males?
Fuck off, the only one mentioning race and women is you. Believe it or not, white men are not out to oppress them. Get over your paranoia
How does it feel that calling him racist has no power? We all know he's not racist, but keep trying!
And here I almost purchased Zombi on steam today for 25% off. Thank god I held off.
I saw this on steam and was thinking it was funny and then thought it was weird there was no price.
I agreed with all off this except the trump part. I dont know what he has to do with this? Why does everyone think there's always some anterior motive?
White people making a game about white people is “white privilege”?