I was going to post this. :P
I was going to post this. :P
Who would get offended over something funny an AI said? :)
There are tons of funny tweets it made, but you know how agendas go, media must only report on the racist ones :)
Laughing at something funny doesn't make you a terrible person :)
For the love of God give us an option/difficulty to turn off the monsters. Both games are actually scarier without them. They only served as an annoyance.
Haven't played wow since cataclysm. 110 levels? It already took me about 2-3 weeks to level to 85. I can't even imagine leveling a brand new character.
I laughed so hard I spit. It's so true!
Paid mods are cancer. All they are is custom DLC made by an unofficial source that most likely won't even work with any other mods you have. Thanks for ruining PC gaming valve. I never thought the day would come where I would have to pirate mods for a game.
Says the one who thinks someone with a penis is a woman lmao
They can. All they have to do is say they /feel/ like one to do so.
Thanks! Now I can't wait until it's patched before I even get home from work today!
An amazing trick I found out is there is a slight hint of stealth in the game. You can sneak up on enemies AS LONG as you stay in cover the whole time. You can move from cover to cover and remain stealthed. If you’re fighting a boss just go into cover and try to get behind them by staying in cover and they will keep…
That literally would never happen. 99% of the buildings aren't even open and if you have the 10 mag 700 RPM sniper it's only 3 shots to kill something.
Don’t forget Snipers > Shotguns
I’ve been wanting to play this game again for YEARS! I say all the time this is the only game I would buy rereleased. Havent played it since I was 10!
Shill harder.
Hahahahaha I played about 4 hours and got to level 20 and this is what I’ve come to.