
I think he has a lot of raw talent that he’s never been able to turn into anything productive. He also played on a butt team for years. Had he stuck around in Sac Town and waited for the new crop of players, the Kings would actually be top 5 in the West IMO. But him deciding to jump on the Warriors bandwagon just to

Good. I hope he continues to suck and the Warriors don’t win a title because of his suckiness. Of all the players on the roster, he’s done the least to contribute to their dynasty, and as such he deserves none of the accolades or rewards that come with being a Warrior. 

What the fuck is your problem, man. Why don’t you take your own advice and just...not reply to someone’s comment if you disagree with it so much. 

It really is a shame that he’s spent so much of his career basically wasting his talent. As backhanded of a compliment as it was (pun intended), Rafa was right when he said Kyrgios could be one of the greats. Let’s hope he grows up and shows us his full potential before he’s too old/injured.

One wonders if we’ll ever see Phoenix rising from the asses. 

Makes Soviet bread lines look like queuing up for Space Mountain. 

To (Ko)be, or not to (Ko)be: that is (definitely not) the question. 

That’s a chickenshit excuse if I’ve ever heard one. 

Clearly he has no idea who or what the Bills are. He must’ve thought “Bills” was a successful chain of strip clubs.

Yeah, not really getting the “needlessly” angle. He had to bring the ball down and strike it before the keeper got there. I’d say it was quite efficient, actually. 

In other news, the Catholic Church has officially declared Westbrook a heretic. 

When Nic Batum or Tony Parker do it, they call it l’arc de tres-oomph.

I dunno, maybe because it doesn’t feature Harper chauffeuring one of his African-American teammates around? #BestPicture  

I don’t even really care about hockey...but why the fuck would you surround a rink with glass? Didn’t we invent plastic precisely for these kinds of situations?

Thank Jesus we have Jrue Holiday! One of the League’s true delights! A couple weeks ago he made James Harden look like a paraplegic, and this week he made the Lakers look like the chumps that they are! Fuck AD and LBJ and KD and all these egomaniacal “All-Stars” that are ruining the game. I’d take Jrue over any of

Ass: it’s Australian for “Ye pretty good, mate.” 

As old Nadeen from SNL used to say: S-s-simmons down now!

I’ve never seen so much drama surrounding a dick since...I dunno, every day of Trump’s presidency? 

One huge advantage LA has over Tokyo is that LA already has thousands of homeless people who can work as volunteers. Talk about saving money!

LA is the perfect venue. They can finally put all those homeless people to work as volunteers.