
They weren’t ALL busts. Who can forget Barkevious Mingo leading his team to victory in The Puppy Bowl? 

The NBA has already become a meaningless spectacle masquerading as a competitive pro sports league, so, hey, why not? 

I know it's not PC to say it, but those people are redarted. 

KD’s decision was softer than soft. That was some Charmin shit. The Blazers won’t ever go anywhere as a team unfortunately, but I’m proud of my boy for telling it like it is. You hear people in the media criticize Durant, but the players have mostly been silent. It’s about time one of his peers said something. After

That kind of vitriol and outrage over a photo-op? Hey Germans, let’s remember: there are brutal autocrats, and then there are brutal autocrats, if you catch my drift. Anyway, knowing that racism and hypocrisy are alive and well in Germany, it’s all the more satisfying that their sorry asses failed to make it beyond

Be a lover, not a Hader. 

This really just highlights what a shitbag Kevin Durant is. 

It's a joke, bro. Take it easy.

Ah, so glad I live in Japan, where the only thing that can halt the train system is a magnitude 6 earthquake or 40 inches of rain in 24 hours. After reading shit like that, I'm happy got out of New York when I did. 

For all the talk about concussions in the NFL, I’m starting to think that the real victims of CTE are NBA execs. Don’t these guys know Carmelo Anthony is like the Dwight Howard of basketball?

Worse decisions have been made. I happen to think anyone who can score 70 points in an NBA game probably has the potential to be pretty damn successful if his teammates aren’t total butt. And considering just how godawful the Suns have been as of late, I would suspect that those defensive ratings are probably a little

Fitting that his initials are T.P., cuz dat’s some shiet right dere. 

Well, seeing as how being a dirty asshole of a player is zero impediment to getting rings (Talkin’ to you, Draymond), I predict Allen ends up with at least two. And, as if the Boogie-to-GS wasn’t bad enough, the thought of this turd being in the league is just one more reason not to watch the NBA next season.

If seeing that makes you spit out your coffee, please don’t look at the contract for the Blazers’ Meyers Leonard. Your rectum will explode. 

What are those, hi-def security cameras? Everything really is better in Canada. Imagine how many more criminals we could arrest here if we could just see their fucking faces. No American should ever have to hear the words “grainy convenience store footage” again.

Things are looking up now, but just wait until the next round, when the entire Uruguayan team comes down with a “mysterious” case of explosive diarrhea.

“Clearly showing signs of mental and physical fatigue”? Yeah, they were so exhausted that they cake walked through the finals. As annoying as you think my words are, I can guarantee you most NBA fans find it more annoying that KD already has two rings. 

As long as KD is on the Warriors, does anything NBA-related even matter? Which team drafts whom, where LeBron goes in the offseason, etc.? All this discussion and hype so that we can watch 29 teams vie fruitlessly for a ring? Let's end this whole charade by taking the 100 best players in the league and making 10

They weren’t dominating because several of their players were injured towards the end of the season.

Free ride to the Finals every year? Are you talking about KD?