I believe that's called, "Having Eastern European Genes."
I believe that's called, "Having Eastern European Genes."
He'll always be Mel Gibson's best friend in Braveheart to me.
They’re all just popcorn flicks.
Actually you’re right!
Im ashamed to be in the same generation as you.
Those bonehead superhero movies MOVE people? Are you talking about 12 year olds?
Damn I’m sorry you had such clueless parents.
Taxi Driver is a great film and using the word toxic in relation to describing it is almost irresponsible.
You sound like a misguided, angry fool.
Whats your fuckin point?
Off topic but just wanted to say that Ibthink John Mulaney is great and really wish he was as successful as Jerry Seinfeld.
Who really gives a shit though? We're all just people. We can agree to disagree, no?
I thought DDL was the highlight...
It can be two things!
The Shining being the ultimate example of that concept, obviously. Or Desperation's cocktail of murderous demon on the surface vs the deeper implications of an Old Testement God that doesnt give a shit about your well being.
Yah I have to agree with you on that score.
What other middling Stephen King books can Flanagan adapt next and improve on the source material 1000%? From a Buick 8 maybe? Lisey's Story?
I agree with the first two but Joyland and Revival are just a wee bit too depressing for my personal taste
The worst Stephen King villains by a country mile. The AA stuff got pretty preachy as well.
Calliope Music slowly going out of tune