
I wish we could have a version that keeps the added material but cuts all the lame updates pop culture references. This story makes so much more sense set in the late 70s as opposed to early 90's. King also forgot to update some background details so you've got black n white TVs and Frannie having a crush on John

Angels and Demons is like a good Saw movie. I find it consistently entertaining.

I was gonna say the same thing, 70s Playboy Bunnies were something else... 👍

“So one day, Mongo gets out of his cage..."

The Adrian Mellon Chapter is so creepy. And the Mike Hanlon Derry Interludes where people keep witnessing clowns present at Horrible Historical Atrocities.

humor is most important when things suck, Sam. I think you might just be a dink.

I blame Joe Piscipo for this.

Too many modern comedians go for affirmation and applause and dont care about actually being funny... which is why Mulaney feels fresh as he does his retro thing. 

Cynicism is the only logical response to a world full of frightened, naive people such as yourself.

Lorne Michaels loves familiarity...

Lighten up, Francis.  It was a dumb joke on a dumb tv sketch show.

Ish he shtoned?

The best one is the Krusty the Clown variation on Twilight Zones "Living Doll"

Harry S Truman dropped two A-Bombs on Japanese civilians. 

I mean shit even Eli Roth did a better job with that switcheroo in Hostel.

Hey I find Part 4 the scariest BECAUSE of the flippant humor... like, these teens are having their souls consumed by a wisecracking demon and its played for laughs! That's terrifying!

All the early Treehouse of Horror episodes are some of the finest work the Simpson Writers did, outside of Marge Vs the Monorail.

I wish I could high-five you in person because I think Part 4 has a bit of underrated genius about it. Renny Harlin shouldve stuck with horror movies and not gone into generic action movie territory. 

May you be reincarnated as a meatball on Freddy's pizza

His scene in Billy Madison is the highlight of the film IMO.