
This season is terrible. Season 3 had its issues but at least it had a sense of purpose and focus and wasn’t cluttered with meaningless side characters. This one does have its moments, I guess, but like the review highlights - things just happen, often times for no reason or a reason that isn’t particularly

The thing is, those guys in the truck would be back before long with shotguns and friends with shotguns.

I thought ‘Redux’ was an improvement, but I also dig French cuisine and Playboy bunnies ...

January is a dump month, so it’s not that surprising. 

I can’t believe no one’s mentioned It. Maybe it’s because the two film efforts didn’t do it justice, but that’s one book I remember actually having to force myself to turn the page.

Cut to: Having lunch with the Disney execs in a third-grade classroom, sitting at tiny tables and chairs. We looked like giants

The alchemy of Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery has got to be enough to make a Bay movie at least watchable.

The running joke of Henry constantly calling Indy ‘Junior’ has a great pay off when he finally calls him Indiana to make him give up on the grail.

“I should have mailed it to the Marx Brothers.”

‘She talks in her sleep’.

“You call this archaeology?!”

“It tellsh me that goosh-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them.”

For me it was Pet Semetary, hands down. I’ve read a lot of suspenseful novels, but this is the only one that made me feel genuine fright.

He wasn’t pompous (his treatment was more an indictment of the rest of the squad), and probably not really a coward. The others had all been through the fire repeatedly; this was Upham’s first face-to-face experience with combat. He wants to let the German go after his first firefight because that’s what the rules

They edited the film’s coloring in post to ensure consistency across the film and digital shots!!!

Armageddon is a movie I absolutely hated as a teenager when it came out and really didn’t enjoy.

Maybe that’s the idea of Schwartzman’s character. He seems more of a spoiled flunky to his dad and is now trying to play boss man.

Salvatore Esposito is a strong actor, but he’s doing a weird Jack Black impression here, which is funny in some ways, baffling in others.

I thought she looked more like her old self in this episode, but I might have just gotten used to it between the premiere and this episode.