How about any King book where someone dreams about a supporting character naked except for one specific item of adornment? And let us not forget the erections.
How about any King book where someone dreams about a supporting character naked except for one specific item of adornment? And let us not forget the erections.
Cue Styx singing, "Too Much Time on My Hands"
What the hell are you talking about. Loving a close friend doesn't make you gay.
This is my last resort!
It WAS hilarious though. And old lady pelting James Bond with rocks while he yells at her "Are you CRAAAZY?"
I felt that King played the character well as it was written. He just wrote a goofy as character. "Gotta cool the sumbitch off! Heryuck!"
filming with snow is expensive.
good call
That Chapter on it's own would make a fine short story.
Aactually in the audiobook Frank Muller's interpretation of Osmond is pretty hilarious. Especially when he calls an underling a "Dripping Penis".
I just didn't think it did the character justice.
Aw The Regulators isn't a good novel but it's pretty damn entertaining to me. Would love to see a film adaptation.
To me the book kinda goes into the toilet after The Wolf section.
You feel the shift in who is writing which sections a lot harder in the Talisman, and it can be jarring at times. The fucking rambling about jazz is definitely Straub, and the obsession with boarding schools and nice clothes.
last time I reread the Talisman it was on audio. I gave up after three chapters of the character Richard whining and acting like a little piece of shit. I think maybe that outside of his novels Koko and Ghost Story Straub’s writing doesn’t translate well to the audiobook format. It puts me to sleep.
I don’t see what the problem is. After Suicide Squad everyone should just be relieved that we aren’t getting a White Gangsta Joker with a grill and a blue laser shooting into the sky that Will Smith foils by learning to work as a team with Margot Robie.
Whats wrong with camel toe?
They didnt save her, they saved themselves.
Not to mention the fact that its a movie, dipshits, not a training video on what to do if armed lunatics infiltrate your place of residence.