
Its probably easier to start your own production company than get notices by Hollywood.

Freddy vs. John Wick.

Matbe John Wick buys a pet store at the end of the third one.

McShane was already pretty old and grizzled in the tv series so I'm not shocked that over a decade later he looks the same while it looks like Olyphant's Bullock caught up to Swearingen in age.

Gotta love that nose prosthetic.

Let’s say this: Dr Strange was the only one of the third phase movies that I didn’t hold out to at least watch on HD streaming for best video quality. I shrugged and watched a SD stream off the netflix app on my cousin’s IPAD.

Thanks for clearing that up. I must’ve been gainfully employed when he was exposed :)

I always liked her... especially as Michael J Fox’s coddling agent in 1991's “The Hard Way”.... to quote Desmond from Lost: “Uh Luhv yuh Pehnahy!” RIP

Arent all Hollywood movies like that?

...Huh? Did you respond to the wrong comment there?

Preaching to the Choir is easier though!

That DUI thing you threw in at the end is pretty fucking dumb. You sound like a really pious, judgmental turd spouting off like that.

For some damn reason kinja wont let me edit my post 30 seconds after posting, so may I add that I meant American Audiences from 2015 in particular.

Bit no one would watch it, nor care. And thats coming from someone who loves British comedy. The 2008 crisis focusing on those who suffered most? Kinda like making a Pearl Harbor comedy in 1948.

IIs it ironic that I was under the impression that E Buzz killed himself a few years ago? (If true, very fucking sad and I bet Recognitions had a wonderful take back then as well).

Recognitions is also great at funerals. 

Recognitions will claim you, as a man, mustve done sonething to those poor women to make them behave so. See, its your fault, because of your dirty evil tallywhacker swinging between your legs. Boo Hiss, Evil Hairybody!

Ever take a class in an American High School?

Tell the shrink to ask him why he hates his penis so much first.

You seem to have a grudge against suicidal people. Thats a really weird hate-a-thon to have.