
You sound like someone who is jealous that they didnt get this much attention when THEY threatened suicide on social media before.

Knowing you, Im sure if the genders were reversed you wouldnt be saying shit.

Why do you always push the envelope for the stupidest fucking shit you can possibly say?

Unfortunate that nearly 100 people gave him a star for his worthless garbage.

Everybody understands where youre coming from. Some people just arent as dumb as Rex amd just cant abide watching a moron for 90 minutes. 

You make a lot of assumptions dickhead.

Bacon was also the only real performance in Black Mass, also chock full of terrible accents.

I think it was a dare to let the academy give Sean Penn free airtime to spout off about the Iraq war, like Micahel Moore before him. Always good for ratings.


Another perk of Hollywood success is being able to avoid obnoxious coworkers from the past. Thats why I want to to be rich n famous, personally.

Iron Man 3 is in the top eschelon, dude. 

Or the middle third of the film ending up as padding because Khan just decides hes full on EEEEVVVIIIILLLLL

You really dont have the context. Ghost of Easy E is a longtime commenter who thinks all white people are evil amd racist, and would prophesize about an impending race war on any Trump or Hilary article. Man he had a murderous rage for the Clintons...

Im surprised he didnt accuse YOU of paedophilia as well...

You have too much time on your hands. Picking fights on the internet is what stupid people do. Get a better hobby. 

Haha you jump straight to playing the race card. Thanks for showing yourself.

yes, I understand allegory. Yet the director is a guy known for a more direct, hyper-realistic style. It makes you question these things in a way that say, EdTV does not. 

...almost as worthless as your original comment.

Once again I have to scratch my head at all the people who live in the North and Canada in the winter. I’d rather kill myself than live in snow. What is wrong with you people, are you all crazy?

(shrugs) They all look kinda boring to me. I wish we had tornado, volcano, and asteroid movies like when I was a kid. Giant monsters have always been a big yawn with me, so maybe I’m a piece of shit.