
The fact that you work in an office is troubling. I didn’t know companies were hiring out of the junior highs these days....

Its like the flashback scenes in Billy Crystal's Mr Saturday Night.

Nick Krill looks a little too comfortable in that old man getup, like hes was born to be an old man.

They can keep all the dialogue, even the fat lady sings line. Fingers crossed.

Especially since Margot Kidder kinda played her like a bit of a Frazzled Cokehead.

Whats funnier, the dick disappearing, or the mouth around the dick disappearing? 

Its disposable comic book garbage, Whaddya want? Is this bit really worth pursuing further?

Like in Short Circuit?

Hopefully they just set the board on fire and toss it in the trash.

Because trees dont eat crops, they eat carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Thats beneficial, not detrimental.

Hes just a gentleman and doesnt kiss and tell.

Yeah Id get someone else to try it first. 

Great article but ive never heard of any of these brands and labels. Are they a Midwest thing? I guess Ill find the closest california equivalent.

You beat the odds on that one. Some kids will just pull an Alex Keaton and go the opposite way and declare that movies suck. But good work!

What does Marty have to do with the 2015 technology? 

Youre responding to an actual walking, talking, festering pile of shit so tread lightly.

Yeah, tingly hands is basically the first step in my morning routine.

Youre not very informed on how Hollywood works. This isnt 1955 anymore.

He seems to lean in on these extreme transformations as sime sort of crutch or concession to his own personal insecurities regarding his natural "pretendin'" talent...

We’re still using vulgarian as an insult? Do you want to slap Melania with your glove and challenge her to a duel as well?