
Can I have your therapist's phone number?

All Robin Hood adaptations should have a Folksy, guitar-strumming Rooster as Alan-a-Dale.

Did you "wreck" yer butthole?

Well yeah. Thats why having kids in this modern world is for fools. Didnt ya get the memo?

Dahl sounds like he was quite the sadistic little asshole, or a "major prick", if you prefer.

Because at least 30 years ago the greedy, coked out movie executives also loved movies in addition to making assloads of money? Now its a bunch of assholes who read the Wall Street Journal as their entertainment.

What story is left to tell? Martys daughter goes back in time and gets hit on by an actor pretending to be young Michael J Fox?

Get the hell outta here, you wackadoo. How come all people with children are crazy?

Better do what Male Lions do when taking over a Pride....

Ssssshhhhhhhhh! They'll HEAR you....

Im down. Get HBO on it actually.


No DiCaprio = No Late Career Resurgence for Scorsese, so its all worth it in my eyes (The Aviator is my JAM).

This is 2 years old but I gotta throw a runner up vote to Scorsese/De Niro and Howard Hawks with just about every major star he ever worked with (Take your pick: Grant, Hepburn, etc...)

I never thought Id see a headline describing an episode of South Park as “...suspenseful”.

Mmmm with some pepper and a pinch garlic salt and youre on youre way to a FINE meal...

Eel Sauce? What kond of hipster food voodoo is that?

Its not that relevant.less than 5% of the population of the US have probably seen that episode. 

Youre insane.

What does this have to do with George R.R. Martin?