
Dammit. I shoulda scrolled down before posting something similar above....

Fat guy here. From my perspective, Fat jokes are hilarious when its about size. Fat jokes about overeating always seem a bit cheap and easy. But that picture man.... Hes just realizing the gold isnt a colored tin wrapper with chocolate underneath....

The fact that you take all of this so seriously is fucking disgusting and kinda bizarre.

Why the hell do you care so much nut job? Are you GRRM's son or something? 

Tge word of the day is 'entitlement'! Say it loud and often kids, even if you dont know what the hell it even means!

Well he DID promise to have the cabinets done 20 years ago....

Hey I dont even care to read the books but fuck George RR Martin. Hes a con man who has gotten in over his head.

This is why I dont read this greedy Santa Claus’s nonsense. Too busy enjoying those royalty checks to finish what he started.

So, this is what the GERMANS want us to think, huh?

Hans Zimmer could get catty a out half the directors in Hollywood. 

Terrence Who? Oh, you mean the guy who made two movies in 25 years and then what out The Thin Red Line (eh, I like the Thin Red Line, who am I kidding)?

Sounds like lyrics to a YES song...

The Treasure of the Man Who Knew Too Much.... Kind of a mouthful...

Thats what they said about Beethoven and Mozart when they were inevitably compared to whoever were considered the pinnacle of the art form back then.

And that is still correct 7 years later.

So the kids might as well go by a pack of cowboy killers and “smoke ‘em up Johnny” like in the Breakfast Club? Caramel colored teeth and the raspy voice reminiscent of Jack Palance just a few years down the road?

“Oh here it is, SAMSONITE, I was WAY off..."

Tagalongs stored in the freezer or GTFO

So now girl is a bad word too? So you'd consider a 12 year old a man or A woman?

Give it a rest. You sound insane.