
They also dont understand what the big deal was when Walter Sobchak pulled his piece on Smokey for his foot crossing over the line when he rolled. It was a LEAGUE GAME, after all.

Fair enough. Though How reading a book will help me better understand internet sarcasm Ill never know. Is there Satire For Dummies I can pick up for my kindle?

One more thing to add: I do admit I was enjoying the movie up to the point where Sully was introduced to the tribe. Thats when interest had peaked and began a slow descent, if that helps.

Hey man, you liked it, I didn't. You said you didnt inderstamd the hate, and I voiced my honest opinion, based on my general indifference to battle scenes comprised mostly of CGI. 

Are you seriously doing this? The only way to defend your stance on a movie is to impugn my character? Calm down, its just a movie. 

Dowd must REALLY hate Eastbound & Down or something...

What does that mean?

But what if you really haven’t? And why do you feel the need to defend Drake so much? And shitting on the Beatles? Who’s the insufferable hipster now?

Any relation to Ron Perlman?

At least the internet gave us older Millenials access to older classic music before social media took over to pimp the latest auto tuned garbage of the later Bush and Obama years.

I dont even know what genre of music he primarily works in. He could play country and western music for all I know.

Yeah I think she shouldve trapped her daughter and granddaughter in the basement along with Michael amd burned all three. So flawed and so interesting. 


Are they?

So I guess what you want is something other than a horror film. There are plenty of shows like NCIS out there if you want a satisfyingly pat ending to a story about a murder spree.

Avatar was about as fun as a Monday night spent doing math homework.

...Drooling morons?

I felm asleep because im not 8 years old anymore. Pretty colors alone dont cut it anymore.

They have a black twitter?

Did ya notice how everytime a regular person brandished a firearm in the movie, the combination of the actor’s body language and the direction gave off the squirmy impression that friendly fire was about to occur?