
Eh not really.


It was!

7 is the worst. Go rewatch it. Its lit like a movie you might see on Mystery Science Theater and the stalk scenes are filmed exactly like some of the little horror movies my friends amd I would make with my video camera in 6th grade.

Jason Takes Manhattan isn't that bad but it really pisses one off when you realize the bait and switch. Plus late 1980's = practically a tv edit of a horror film. Like watching a porno with all the sex edited out. 

I find it interesting that you take the Halloween 2 champion to task amd not the OP with their obviously insane opinion regarding H2O. 

I think Dowd is tired and needs some time off, no movie watching for a month. No tv either, just novels, magazines, and internet porn.

Hell Id take Zombie's Halloween 2 over H2O or Ressurection. At least it TRIED something, anything. 

Wow, because H2O was complete scarefree garbage when i saw it 20 years ago, and I was 11. Laat time I watched it it came off as a strange two part episode of Dawson's Creek (thats a bad thing).

Oh illegal drugs are easy to find. Im talking more about the scrip-happy docs that dont seem to exist in California unless you belong to a country club.

Gave ya a star for "diversity gauntlet".

Where are all these drugs you guys keep saying are everywhere? I can’t get my hands on anything for the past decade.

Oh gotta love these comments, you guys never let me down. As exoected at least 5 hot takes about how the original isnt so special, and others replying “THANK YOU, I thought I was the only one here with ADD and no taste!”


Yet Busta Rhymes still ended upbbeing one of the more likeable characters in the Halloween sequels given that 4, 5, and 6 appear to be written by coked-out Hollywood Robo-writers.

There is a way to do the “The whole movie has been a dream or the character is really in purgatory” and usually it goes to strongly introducing your protagonist. This one didn’t even bother to establish Tim Robbins’s character in the prologue outside of he shits a lot in the bush and wears glasses. I still wonder why

You rewatch the Sixth Sense to try and see the movie from Haley Joel Osment’s perspective, given that you’re kinda in Bruce’s corner the first time you see it, I mean, its John McClane. Then you can see it a third time to see how it plays from Toni Collette’s perspective. So three times, max. 

... the son that never existed? or do I have that wrong? I thought the whole movie was a hallucination as he lay dying.

For me the hallucination he has is kinda convoluted and pointless, no? I mean, what was the dead kid subplot all about if he was still back in 1971?

Oh shit the 14 year olds have arrived!