
we were talking about comic books.

Take a look in the mirror, pal.

How was Spotlight boring? Not enough cgi action scenes? It waa about something besides racism and misogyny, yet STILL socially relevant?

I think you might be looking a little too hard for “misogyny" in movies at this point.

Yeah but Superheros have ruined American Culture almost as much as Taco Bell and McDonalds.

Return of the King shouldnt have won either.


Damn you James Cameron and Tony Scott!

Ill say in advance that those kids are terrible.

It make the Tommy Gun gunfire in Public Enemies look like cheap firecrackers and the scene reduced to a cctv feed.

I think the video look works for Collateral, especially those shots driving out by LAX. Miami Vice and Public Enemies looked like he decided he LIKED the terrible drawbacks of early video, like the flattening effect that can make backgrounds and horizon look crooked instead of angled.

So I’m guessing that Joe Sr must’ve raped Shirley Temple or something back in his Hollywood days in the 30's for all that bad Karma to be visited on his offspring, eh?

For some reason around here throwing a pity party seems to be favored over advancing the causes that actually have some traction. Like Trump winning suddenly changed the hearts and minds of everyone into being anti-immigration or something? Please....

It’s really more about, “The stupid people from many different parts of the political spectrum are now voting for some reason while sane people stay home and drink.”

But what if you’re only attracted to women who look like your mother?

I think it became relevant again for a while, but not it’s circled all the way back to the “No Shit, Sherlock” category. (Did you know that fanatical political zealots are intense and fanatical? Did you know that Right Wingers like to co-op the tools of the Left Wing and turn them against them, such as rock n roll

I’m pretty sure that’s only when they’re voicing the kids? And Parker & Stone never set out to be voice actors by design, they were just the only ones available when they created this show as a fun little project for their friends and now it’s become a trademark of their style. 

Yeah the voice is Bahstahn but the character is basically a more Hedonistic Brian. 

Nah, more like 75%. The Peter voice sounds waaaaay more like someone who’s a moron. 

I know it’s dumb to come here all the way from 2018 but he is definitely not using his normal voice. It’s just that Peter Griffin is his Bawstahn accent, and it kinda helps sell that he and Mahky Mahk have spent their whole lives growing up in Boston together. But he does seem more like Brian in the brains department.