
yeah, Eddie Dean mentions The Shining when he first looks through one of the magic doors in THe Drawing of the Three. In the Outsider, a movie buff says that “Paths of Glory is one of Kubrick’s best, WAAAAY better than The Shining!”

Captain, I’m re reading The Stand right now (4th time in 15 years) and I’d argue that the book starts going downhill WAAAY before the ending, in fact once the main characters meet up in Boulder most of the book is dull and disconnected from the excellent first 500 pages. Near the end most of the good stuff revolves

At least in IT King didn’t decide to kill off Richie, Mike, Eddie, and Ben halfway through the book because he couldn’t figure out what to do with their character arcs...

Lifetime keeps adapting King’s lady centric stories, since he kinda writes them like Lifetime movies anyway. See also: A Good Marriage with Joan Allen.

But have you noticed that since 11/22/63 King seems to have given up on world building whatsoever? Reading the Outsider I was shocked at little I knew about the town it takes place in, not even a street name that I can recall or anything. Same thing in Mr. Mercedes. Could it be that when King sets his novels outside

fair enough. Guess I shoulda put a winky smiley face after that so it didn’t seem so hostile.

What the fuck

Are you 12 or something?

Mick Garris is a horrible director, the whole movie has the worst placement of the camera I can think of in a major television production. Like a 50's movie not even good enough to be called a B-Movie.

Unless you start attacking people on the street today, you’re being uselessly hyperbolic.

all those other actresses would have been a better choice than Chastain.

That movie is pretty great for the first 30 minutes and complete garbage once the Lost Boys show up.

awww, Always got a genuine emotional response outta me, even though most of the movie is bland....

There’s something wrong with your brain.

You’re terrible.

Like with that dumb 1998 Godzilla movie. Godzilla should be a scary modo, not make us sad at how mean the military is.

Eh, Lost World should have a potato sack race with Crystal Skull to really determine which is the worst Spielberg film.

Its San Diego, dammit! Why does my fair city always get dissed haha

Fox will finally be able to realize their dream of putting some pants on Chewbacca!

Hey, it worked in Citizen Kane!