Ace Ventura could have been improved CONSIDERABLY by setting it in a concentration camp.
Ace Ventura could have been improved CONSIDERABLY by setting it in a concentration camp.
I just picture Academy members seeing his “For Your Consideration” ad and a little thought balloon appears over their head, remembering Carrey talking with his ass in Ace Ventura. “Eh, nope.”
How did they cover up any time Truman decided “what the hell, this is my house, I’m gonna unzip and piss in the bushes over there!” ?
And did they film Truman having sex with his wife? How’d that work?
There are a lot of issues with this premise once one thinks about it for longer than a few minutes. The wife is the…
I still shudder at the thought of finding out millions of people were watching you everytime you took a shit or tossed off to scrambled porn as a teen. Not to mention if he ever picked his nose and wiped the booger off on a park bench or something. Goddamn this movie sounds like a horror flick now that I’m in my…
and no one wants to see old Nic Cage naked, anyway. Even his arms.
I didn’t say it was weird or confusing. I said it was funny, considering how devoted Star Wars fans can be with the camping out in line for The Phantom Menace and all that. Not a bad thing, just amusing. It’s just like how this is considered a flop because it “only” made 100 million in the first weekend. It just…
It’s obviously there to quickly and mercifully kill anyone dumb enough to hide out on top of an elevator. Beats the slow death by crushing, ya see.
And yet it still looks like they CGI-composited Cruise’s head into the suit for the shot. Wonderful.
“Now we can’t afford to have the 100-Dollar-Bill Bonfire we’ve been planning for Fourth of July! Fuck, now we can only afford to use 20's. It’s just not the same....”
It always seems like the most entertaining movies in these franchises are the ones that were always doomed to be also-rans. E.G.: not a big fan of Avengers or Captain America that much, but I LOVED me some Ant-Man....
A Star Wars movie was bound to only be mildly successful eventually. I think you’re severely overestimating the clout of basement dwellers and their cheeto-dust stained keyboards.
You’re using the word toxic like it’s goin’ outta style.
You’re a bit crazy, aren’t you.
But it’s easier to unleash your rage at an easy target! (no one likes fanboys, including me)
What the fuck are you talking about? You seriously buy that PR crap about toxic fanboys? They don’t leave their basements. The movie’s not making a shit ton of money because regular people don’t go to the movies more than once a month, and Avengers and Deadpool are still going strong in theaters.
Can I just point out how funny it is that you were so disinterested in this movie that you still saw it in a theater? Hell, there are movies that I can’t wait to see that I still wait until they come to Amazon Prime....
Below the beltline?
Oh that Seann “Iago” Scott....
Damon is the one with in front of the camera talent, but without his brother’s behind the scenes talent Damon would never have had such a showcase like In Livin Color. Remember he got fired from SNL because he felt bit parts in sketches were beneath him, even though that’s the kind of “Due paying” that is expected of…
Ah, the is the type of celebrity gossip that almost makes one giddy in its old fashion battle of egos. No one got raped or groped as far as I can tell, so this one is a win!