
oh come on. It really depends. You gotta go on a case-by-case basis. But you’re right in that usually if something can be ruined and no longer be worthwhile simply through foreknowledge of where the story goes... than it probably wasn’t so hot of a story to begin with. The only spoilers that matter are for tv shows

I don’t get this.. Av Club only skews toward lower grades on classics or to troll hipsters. All this because Dowd happened to find the best Iron Man movie “average” 5 years ago...

yeah, but ironically, whilst breaking the fourth wall.

Most of my favorite movies are C+’s at best!

Fat guy here who finds the idea of “plus sized superheroes” so laughable and dumb that I can’t even think of a joke to insert here... maybe he let the villain get away because he saw a newsstand and stopped to buy a snickers and a bag of doritos?

Yeah it just sounds funny that they’re so proud of announcing a nice round number, as if they just so happen to have that many quality projects in development at the moment....

No its a BRO!

What the heck are you talking about

Cant wait for people to srart talking about how sexy their lawnmower is, with all its blades and pull starter

Genital shaving is stupid and pointless, for both genders. Hair is beautiful, groin skin is not.

Jesus fucking christ on a cracker what the hell is wrong with you.

TThe writer is trolling everyone. These sites hire the craziest people they can find to generate traffic with their Bullshit hot takes.

You Probably pull em out and wag them at strangers everyday, I’m guessing?

The writer of this article is a crazy person trolling for clicks.

Do you plan on blowing this cgi, non existent character?

basically same thing as I said. My main point was it was retitled 4 years after it’s first run, not a few months. Which is an important distinction, considering Empire.

Jesse IS the comments section personified.

I can’t wait until someone tells you that no one is forcing you to like a movie and there is no “culture war”, it’s just good folks like them versus evil Trump Supporters, the KKK, Neo Nazis, and Man Children/neckbeards (they assign equal weight to each of these groups)

Watch out, the nuts around here are going to start gaslighting you about how you’re making up all of that stuff about there being two sides of the hyperbole and exaggeration equation.

You sure love to respond with sarcastic hyperbole.

EDIT: To everything and everyone, I meant to add.