
but we’re talking about someone who takes other people’s opinions quite personally, and how only an asshole wouldn’t love every Star Wars movie.

when you have an ego the size of the Titanic....

Some claimed I was having a meltdown about how I hated the movie just for pointing out how Jesse Hassenger REALLY likes this Star Wars prequels and stuff... and how a lot of posters here were going to have some fun debating with him.

You’ll get a half dozen replies saying that no one ever said anything bad about anybody who disliked the movie, because they personally didn’t say it.

What the fuck are you talking about? Who’s complaining about who is reviewing the movie? Huh? What? Do you not know the history of Hassenger and Star Wars? All I said was that when you have that combination, the conversations get pretty interesting. Wow, as days go by more and more kneejerk weirdos show up here

Nope. No episode IV until 1981 vhs release.

Golden age of television, BLAH BLAH BLAH (j/o motion)

Quantity over quality! YAAAAAAAAY!

AAnd all this because some remarked that it seemed a bit soon for another star wars movie: 6 months almost to the day. Sounds like yet another preemptive strike on someone who is less than 100% committed to lining Disney’s pockets with more billions.

Wby does it bother you so much? Someone criticizes disposable Disney fluff and you have a meltdown. I don’t see you wagging your finger at all the people here who love that DC crap.

Heres a thought: take a hammer to your computer, and smash it into a million pieces.

Jessee has an interesting history regarding star wars and the comments section here

They let Jesse handle this review? Oh Boy, here we go....

That’s a pretty cool dynamic they have going there...

what misspelled words? the second “your”? That’s autocorrect on the phone, does that shit all the time.

Your mutant power is defending a corrupt, monolithic corporation that produces cynically slick children’s entertainment... And then acting like your standing up for the little guy.

Hey I was just watching a video on Suburban Sasquatch last night! It reminded me that some people want to be a filmmaker more than they actually want to make films, and to watch myself in that regard going forward.

easy there, little boy....

That’s like competing for best punch to the nuts....

Is Oswalt mentally unstable now that his wife has tragically passed? Seems like it....