
or you get 1941...

really? Did you just compare comic book geeks with under represented groups?

Oh fuck that Will Wheaton thing is from family guy? And all these years I thought my buddy was being clever pronouncing Wesley Crusher’s name that way....

WWell there are lots of children, man children, and people with money to burn out there. Where does that leave the rest of us normal folks?

You’re deliberately leaving out all the other crap like tv and the insane marketing puabes these reheated turds get.

But... but... it was a POLISHED turd!

It’s certainly more in line with a comic book, that’s for sure. And since when is “logical” scary?

How was that a mistake? Children should have nightmares every night.

Prometheus got it’s reappraisal about a month after it was released in theaters. If you remember, everyone was licking that film’s ass pretty lovingly until people actually thought about it....

Yeah that’s why there is no sign of Harry Dean Stanton or Tom Skerrit’s bodies in the theatrical version of Alien...

The color palate was a meta commentary on the material...

You’re doing a really lousy job at making your case by bringing up Adam Sandler and Star Wars fanboys. That’s like comparing a ruined thanksgiving dinner (Alien 3) with Frozen Burritos and the people who complain that fast food gives them a stomach ache now that they’re in their 30's....

Or move straight to campy schlock and film Alien Resurrection and be done with it.

I’m pretty sure he’d have done the movie just to have access to a studio trailer for 2 months.

It was the most calculated move, alright. I don’t know if I’d venture as far as calling it smart, unless you’re a studio stooge type who thinks box office and production expediency is more important than the narrative and thematic coherence of a series.

exactly what? Was Michael Biehn too busy making Navy Seals 2 to be in Alien 3?

is Scorsese in the REAL Old man phase of his career where he just wants to work all the time... no matter what the hell the project is? Is this doc gonna have a lot of dolly shots and push ins accompanied by 60's and 70's rock songs?

How old are his kids now? Did he wait until they were out of college too? Post Graduate school? It’s been 21 years....

oh god, the 2nd Honey I Shrunk the Kids Sequel with Bug Hall as their kid? Sweet Fancy Moses was that bad.

My Dad has been quoting Moranis’s lines about only inviting clients to parties so he could use it as a tax write-off for 30 years whenever someone gets cheap hosting a party.