
Have you ever heart of short stories? They were kinda the bread and butter of storytelling for thousands of years....

Too tall. Cruise wouldve been perfect size wise.

oh I love me a good serialized show... but I will forever be burned by 24 and LOST for long running serialized shows... I know they aren’t the best examples....

naw man, this is specifically my campaign against short mother fuckers replacing tall mother fuckers. It’s probably why they cast the little chick from Game of Thrones, so they don’t have to give this guy lifts. I’m a height-ist.

But she was adorable and winning in Scary Movie... for the most part....

maybe you should huff nitrous before watching bad parody movies?

Don’t let facts get in the way of making your “institutional Misogyny” argument!

I like when they say that Siamese twins connected at the head are cuter and more popular than the girl with glasses and overalls. “Aw come on, she’s got paint on her overalls, are you kidding me?”

I like the running gag of the guy that always tries to start a slow clap getting cut off because it’s not appropriate. And then at the end, he’s beaten to the punch by the Ducky/Nerdy Best Friend character. Slow Clap guy then proceeds to beat Fake Ducky’s ass.

It definitely stood out as being created specifically because the clichés of the teen movie had piled up in the writers’s minds.

Fucked either way, I guess. I bought tickets to the Perfect Storm and found a fucking Usher guarding the Scary Movie entrance. Those fucks.

Big laughs as the birds/bats flew out of her panties. Also, 13 year old me and his buddies thought that the Orgasm Volcano was the filthiest, more insanely humorous image ever burned onto our brains.

only 4? Dude looks like a midget compared to good ol’ Dr Richard Kimble

I’d like to test that theory, but I’d need someone else’s life to wager with.

the running gag about Estevez’s dead partner he was in love with.... a Golden Retriever....

Sam Jackson is talking about not getting along with a former partner, then Estevez says,

“When Claire’d get mad at me, she’d pee on my leg.”

My favorite part is when Sam Jackson arrives on the scene after Denis Leary gets whacked and asks another detective for an update, who starts going on about his dry, itchy scalp. Sam Jackson then pulls a bottle of head n shoulders out of his pocket and gives the pitchman spiel.

“But Lt, you don’t have dandruff!”


which one? There were at least two

“We can’t do this, you’re my sister!”

“Mmmmmm only by blood!”

19 year olds always think whatever is new is the best of all time.

so how anyone could see that as a positive I’ll never know. Serialization is for people who like to think the long a story goes on the better it is. Which means The Young & The Restless is the best tv show of all time.