
That they have horrible taste in food? And want photographic evidence of it?

I remember a lot of pasty faces caked in makeup and tan mid sections, people actually protected their faces from wrinkles for a few years there.

I thought it was funny when someone mentioned they checked and she was 17 in the photo. Everyone was like, “oh, whoops”

“You look like the Count of Monte Cristo in that thing!”

“Jerry, this is a benefit to clothe the homeless. You look like you’re gonna swing in on a Chandelier!”

Still healthier than whatever passes for the meat, cheese, and tortilla....

It hits syndication I’m betting around the time that Michael Moriarty got fired for running his mouth, also around that time they dialed back the stories that mixed the law and order segments up, I remember a lot of episodes early on where a case would be dismissed and we’d cut to Logan and whatever older partner he

Someones gonna be glad they got their dress for free...

Ive read some erotic literature that says some people find a gaseous evening quite... Erotic.

WWho said tummy trdoubles? The ingredients are just so cheap they leak out of you like a runny nose.

YYeah but they’re at taco bell. They look like trailer trash based on the location.

No lettuce? So the only tging that may have nutrional value is too much for these shotty teenagers? Also, nothing says a romantic night at tye prom like getting the shits from eating taco bell first....

Jack Barkin? sounds like a Kurt Russell character...

“In the 90's, everyone dressed like Canadian Work Crews...”

Did he just finish shooting a “Just for Men Beard” ad before taking his family to the park?

It’s also funny to see people like Tony Danza standing JUUUUUSSSST this side of the cliff, before their hair turned grey and people stopped re running “Who’s the Boss?”

Who could imagine that Ferris Bueller would end up with the nerdier chick on Square Pegs?

But you see the problem is that I’ll always associate her with the 12 year old version of her. Like, if I hooked up with her I’d be waiting for her to say “How Rude!” in bed and then I’d just get weirded out...

It’s before we all got REALLY FAT and filled out the clothes

My mom forbade me from tucking my shirt in, saying I “looked like a little dork”. but she’d always buy the shirts a size too big (as was the fashion at the time) and I HATE wearing this damn sail to school that billowed like a skirt....

Have you ever SEEN an episode of Seinfeld?