
Jesus, take it easy there.

Yeah this one was the last story I’d expect to see adapted, since there’s barely any story there, just a few shocking moments and what-the-fuckery

I’ve never stopped reading a book right before the climax. That book ruined my September because it started to convince me that my favorite Author had lost his fucking mind.

That’s because Owen King is not very good, at least in the ideas section. A real self loathing oozes out of his writing and characters, who are all navel gazing “woe is me” parodies of what Fox News thinks a “Beta male” might be. His first full length novel was an ode to giving up on your dreams because your the

and now fucking Kinja is fucking up and I can’t see the pic I posted. Oh well, not that important anyway.

Ken Burns, that’s a good one. I had that actor who played Pyro in Xmen instead of him... mainly because of the Hills Have Eyes Remake:

It was one of those damn special deal ebooks/audio recordings that slip thru the cracks of an author’s bibliography, which I always find maddening. Luckily my local library had the audiobook, so I could find out this is a glorified short story, not a novella. Oh, and King already wrote it in 1977 and it was called


That’s what’s so great about the original show. They also had music during scenes of chasing the suspects and serving warrants, and it wasn’t that same droning after school special musical sting they always use. There is a two part mafia episode in Season 1 that could be stitched together and screened in theaters and

Good. I was expecting a shorter version of Nick Nolte with Nicolas Cage hair.

Just ask Zach Galifianakis

4 goddamn heart attacks, Jesus Christ. And an otherwise healthy man, too. Not like he was carrying around an extra 50 pounds like most people who live to have more than one cardiac event like that.

He asked the Plastic Surgeon for “The Picasso”

eh, he was a loser anyway, right?

It’s the “Diesel Method” which is what Drax’s character is based on (not really)

You had me nervous, I looked him up and holy shit, he didn’t turn into the cryptkeeper like so many minor 80's celebs. Good for him!

Right after they explain to her what a Pulp Fiction is.

Very witty and thoughtful.

... but how do you feel about Burt Reynolds?

but I want him to keep his cockney accent from LOST. “ ‘Oy! Dennis Wilson, you and the rest of them villains you cawl ah bahnd need to spin me soddin’ demo tape, guvnuh!”