
Still pisses me off that the government was all, “Who gives a shit about your livelihood? Go drown in the Hudson River or something, we don’t give a shit.”

That’s crazy talk. And it’s telling that a “plot hole” is the main reasoning for your dismissal of one of the cleverest and unique MCU films...

What the hell are you talking about. I watched the first season of Law & Order on Netflix in widescreen a few years ago.... 35mm baby! The first three seasons of that show are cinematic level quality in production and camerawork. Once Chris Noth leaves the show is when you start to see the decline in quality you may

I hope he isn’t ripping one in that photo (or DO I?)

I’m scared to see what Alex Winter has aged into, since Keanu basically looks the same but with a constant puffy eyed beer hangover.

We should call Dave Grohl to test this theory.

and maybe he was having a bad day, you can lose another inch that way.

Almost as smart as getting in on that sweet Marvel money without ever having to put on a ridiculous costume or weird alien makeup (though I wouldn’t be surprised if Vin Diesel insisted on doing his one line of dialogue a thousand different ways decked out in a full Groot Halloween Costume).

How come no one’s talking about how Burt Reynolds trying to smile for the camera these days makes him look like he’s auditioning for the album cover for Band on the Run?
Either that or they caught him in the middle of getting sucker-punched in the scrote.

pulling out? But then you’re just masturbating at that point.....

At this rate they need their boy Snyder to have a comeback since they sunk so much money into backing his career at this point....

seriously, have they been Alan Ladd’ing him this whole time? He makes Downey Jr. look like Jeff Goldblum.

I found it so baffling and its message antithetical to the world the story is set in. It’d be like making a Sherlock Holmes movie where he uses his fists instead of his intellect oh wait nevermind.... (I like Sherlock by the way).

It’s to symbolize the duality of his identity.

But Diesel and Cooper cheated and just had a Disney Computer FX geek render Groot and Rocket Raccoon with genital piercings.

I hope Ruffalo put on a pair of nerd glasses and said, “NO WAY NO SIR MAAAAN!”

HHave you ever seen Revolver? You might want to walk that back and add some qualifiers...

Ever tried going outside for a change of pace?

WWbyd it have to be Disney that purchased Marvel, those fuckers...

what are you talking about?