
I bought Korn’s Follow the Leader at a Wherehouse when I was 12, no trouble. Went back to get Limp Bizkit and they denied me. They REALLY WERE biased against rap!

“You sold my dead bird to a blind kid?”

(Throws hands up) “Haaarrrry. I took care of it...”

(Little Boy on Hard Copy)
“(sniffle) ... I just thought he was real quiet...”

“That’s-a spicy meat-aball!”

He should tell her his favorite movie is Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

Really? It’s nice?

Goddamn the teenagers of today continuing the tradition of being uniquely terrible in their own way.

Jesus didn’t know there were so many crazy people around here. Batman Forever is in your Top Five?!?!??!!?

Sounds pretty uneccesary, and like a completely different movie.

Ledger’s joker is boring.

Hard to take someone seriously who still thinks The Dark Knight is a good movie and that Heath Ledger was better than anything.

I think your parents really fucked you up. Another argument for making parenting illegal.

That there is even a controversy really shows how little the world deserves to survive these days.

I was 8 and had two different sets of friends: school friends and cousins. HAD to go twice....

Is that what heaven is like?


Pretty sure he was imitating Cheech Marin in “Up in Smoke” because he calls the batmobile his “Luv Mah Cheen”.

eh hmm. That was Kevin Spacey, a year after this movie. You’re thinking of The Client from 1994

Get going on that if that’s how you feel. Replace yourself.

what’s a chole?

Its a great book to re read if you desperately want your depression to hit rock bottom and begin the upward cycle back toward temporary equilibrium.