
I’d feel better about this since it wasn’t a home built project like so many of these camper busses.


But in black? You’d have to search for at least three minutes!

I hope I’m not stating the obvious here, but...why not just get a manual version of this car? I’m pretty sure they were built and sold here as manuals.

I know we all see these comments too often, but why, why, why isn’t Kinja fixed? What on Earth is happening? It’s insane. I can’t see responses if they are grey. I have to scroll through miles of posts to find mine to respond to people. Why not just switch to some third-party? Vuukle at PlanetF1 seems to work just

The point is that someone other than the owner did this without permission from said owner. This was a dick move from the tech (and stupid that they didn’t know about the PDR).

This is part of the risk/issues with buying a first year vehicle that’s early in its release cycle. You become a beta tester on the road for both reliability and/or production issues.

I’ll give Ford credit for both acknowledging the issue and coming up with a plan to remedy it, as well as what seems like openly communicating with the buying public.

Having owned two of the three and test driven the other, all three have their place in the heart. But only the MR2 would find a place in my garage.

The Subaru SVX was my first thought. Good choice.

The craziest part of your story is that a clean 95 Prelude would probably set you back way more than 5k today.

*Insert any Honda or Toyota that you can buy under 5 grand here.*

Considering it was SF, a soviet gun, a caddy, and a woman... I think you just enraged a huge swath of rednecks.

Exactly my thoughts. This woman is the perfect American. 


Mercedes, sure enjoy your writing. But when it comes to VWs , I believe that you are one of those folks who seem to enjoy immense amounts of pain. Owning a VW from the modern era is like having a neighbor whose dog tries to bite you every time you walk by their house. Eventually the bastard bites you, it takes a long

Doing an engine swap on a car with so many computers is far easier said than done.  I don’t think you would ever get it work.

Sounds like my experience with a 2000 GTI GLX.  It was in the shop every month.  I sold it after 40k miles and ran back to Toyota.  My next vehicle was a 2003 4Runner that I kept for 13 years.

Super solid Jalopniking right here! I’ve got a couple Campy-equipped bikes, no wonder I liked the hinges.  Not sure of too many companies beyond Campagnolo that meld art with engineering so perfectly.

Those trunk hinges were made by Campagnolo, mostly known for their bike parts. They’ve also made some fancy wheels in the past, as mentioned here a few years ago: