
I always go by the octane recommended in the car’s manual. At least that what I’ve always been told to do. Anything else is a waste of a very limited and polluting resource - since it takes more petroleum to produce higher octane fuel.

Seriously, the Suburban of all things would probably run fine on goat piss. 

There should be a whole article on those who use mid-grade (89 octane). Literally nobody uses that. We need to understand these people.

Even the article image shows that button new and shiny.

Can you camp out at a gas station, and interview the first person who uses 89 octane?

If your engine is naturally aspirated and not high compression, running anything other than the recommended 87 is throwing money away. It’s that simple.

Sorry Liz, but Chris is wrong. Engines are designed to run on the recommended octane rating, no more no less. Getting premium gas when the engine doesn’t call for it is simply a waste of money and yields little, if any, benefits.

It’s....Michigan.  Big Three makes Big Buck$ on Truck$.  So, ya.

I always laugh at these tax carve outs or reduced registration fees or whatever perk many states give for heavy vehicles over a certain weight. It’s so incredibly dumb. While I’m sure they were originally intended for things like contractors, farmers, or small businesses that actually need bigger vehicles, I’d wager

Dude, I love that you love the thrill of the hunt and bringing rusty treasures from the past back to life...but you gotta get out and enjoy the actual using of your vehicles more.

Love that you list list like eight barely running 20 year old Cherokee’s and specify WHICH ONE is your winter beater. I can tell the system all makes totally rational sense in your head. And I love it.

Wrong Mercedes SUV. The guy lives in Texas, so you need to crank up the level of absurdity.

People are weird though. You might not, but I cross-shopped some weird cars last time I bought a car.

I know, right? The value isn’t likely to go down.

Fuck “performance” SUVs. That thing is horrible and should be banned. There is one just like that parked in front of my house and the owner from the other side of the street is exactly the kind of arrogant asshole dickhead that his vehicle suggests he is.

Same. My personal car shit itself 3 weeks into lockdown from sitting and doing nothing (why yes, it was a Ford Fiesta! How did you know?) Haven’t really jumped at the opportunity start making another car payment on a car I don’t drive. Unless I start working on-site again, we’ll probably stay a 1 car family for a while

This fits his needs and his budget!

Keep the SS you moron.

Good grief.

Right now trade in values would actually allow me to come out ahead, so I’m thinking about mixing things up.

Watching this one devolve into fighting over which classic Ford (neither of which are close to his criteria) would meet this guys needs after he’s rejecting such a sweet Chevy SS is the most satisfying thing I’ve read today. I love you guys.

I’m just gonna keep on suggesting this.