
Yeah, as I was reading through, my first thought was also unknown accident. The rest is just wear. Nothing lasts forever, not even a Cruiser.

I haven’t owned a Commander, but I’m going to have to disagree with ya on that. Any 10 plus year old vehicle that hasn’t been maintained 100% is going to need some catching up, but the Toyota Series 100 is legendary for a reason.  The 2006 Commander is ...not.

A neighbor has a Delica with a lift/knobby tires, and a tent topper, it’s super nerdy/cool!

Everything except the steering rack, sunroof and stearing column switch says age (interior condition) or abuse (beat up exterior, lights, trim, etc). In, fact I think the hood thing, the front trim and lights popping out (and maybe even the ac and steering rack) could be from an unreported accident from the looks of

Yes, buy the OEM rack, tie rod ends are cheap. Do the install and bleed yourself and get an alignment, you’re good for another 250K.

Agree. I bought used tires once. Bad idea. There was a reason why someone took them off whatever vehicle they came off of. Legal, yes. Any frills like smooth ride, good stopping distances, quiet on the road, etc? No.

This will sound insane, but, if I understand the story correctly, he intends to drive the FC back.
The FC.
Whiskey.  Tango.  Foxtrot.

Your story reminds me of my encounter at a tire shop years ago. A young tech broke 3 studs off a Dodge Magnum with what looks like 21" wheels, and the owner flew into a rage and started cursing and literally got physical with the tech.

Find a spot between Illinois and the Rockies to swap out those warped rotors. You do NOT want to be driving through the Rockies on warped rotors, especially not on the return trip with the FC Jeep in tow.

My only experience with used tires were the clunkers my ex’s parents used to drive. There’s numerous stories just in that alone, but we’ll skip to the used tires part. The shop must have found their tires in the dump, because I’d see that their “new” tires had maybe 15% of their tread left. Long story short, his dad

Having been an owner of one, this is accurate. Definitely not sexy, definitely not “fun”, but very good at moving people efficiently. It was also much more useful for moving items than I expected. Definitely a hatchback. I always averaged ~44 mpg.

This is the right answer. Prius are dead reliable and the V isn’t as sought after and can be had for a good price.

The SVO also cost MORE than a GT.

It’s a common problem in sales, and choices in general.

I really really like these STOCK. They had great looking factory alloys and were simple and understated in the looks department. With that said, let’s go down the list:

...what is the best “sporty” sedan for a young professional who wants a luxury car without the hassles?

Maybe my Mom’s late 90's Taurus was the exception, but that fucking bubble mobile would never die. It must have been the pinnacle of Ford manufacturing for that year. It literally went almost 300k miles with almost zero serious issues. I hated that car but was honestly kinda sad when she eventually traded it in.

A 2002 LX470 has been my on and off daily driver/weekend vehicle since 2015 and has been the best auto I’ve ever owned. I’ve had an 88' XJ and a 98' 5.9 ZJ and they pale in comparison to the 100. With the time you save swapping sensors out on the Jeeps, you’ll be able to start a new hobby. That new hobby spending

Actually you can write about how you’re slowly (or not) being converted from deranged rusty Jeep enthusiast to calm, collected and serene Toyota overlander via this purchase.

You’re conflicted about buying an intact 19-year old Lexus (aka Land Cruiser) versus a Jeep of any vintage?