
Yes, the Frenchies are lovely, but can we discuss that CLEAN mid-80's Toyota 4x4 behind them, please?

This fight made my entire weekend. Much respect to Mr. Usman and his fists of fury.

As much as I like them, and as much as I’d love to believe this, I’m still REAL skeptical.

Not one, but TWO BMW’s that will nickle and dime the poor guy to death in the first year alone?  You guys are sadists.

“Paging Donner Party, party of two, Donner party.”

Ironically, the craziest part of all of this is your decision to fly Spirit “airlines.”  You fly them once, and you’d rather walk then ever have to do that again.

This guy hit the lottery....and will probably turn around and re-sell this one to a Toyota 4x4 freak for 3x what he paid for the truck.

This was a fair, introspective, well-written, and funny piece.  Gives me hope...and I like to think Mayor Pete’s heart is in the right place, even if that mouth can get him into a hole sometimes.  Well done.

It’s beautiful, I love it, and I need a better-paying job.

Uh, yeah - this is why he left the band in the first place, and why Corabi stood in for that time that should never be spoken of again.  Amazing, no?

I just use a basic Insignia model from Best Buy in mine - haven’t had any issue with the cold issue, maybe I’m just lucky.

Use one once a week in my ‘96 LS400.  (I take the stupid subway the other 4 days of the week, but I love having that big old beast to tool around Chicago in.)

May Zazie Beetz continue in her success and become a superstar.  May little nazi Spencer burn in hell and suck dick for eternity. 

$2600 for this yeetwagon?  Hell no.

Yep - my ‘96 LS400 has a little rust, some banged-up bumpers from parking on the Chicago streets, and the back seat leather is starting to tear from sun damage. That said, her motor and tranny are bulletproof and I can drive her up to northern Wisconsin at the drop of a hat and know that I’ll get there safe and sound

Okay, the Land Cruiser was a decent option, but all you have to do is go for a 5 year old Lexus, and all your problems are solved, and you won’t have to buy another car for 15 years.

Dude!  This is my most-liked and responsive Kinja comment EVER.  It’s kinda mind-blowing.  And I wish it had been over a better subject, truth be told.  I mean, life isn’t bad for me or anything, I think I was just whining a little bit the other morning.

Boomers: “You kids don’t work these days!”

Impressive, but still doesn’t count unless you do it on the original motor...and tranny, preferably.

Scoff. Scoff, scoff, scoff, scoff. Scoff, scoff, scoff.