
That second generation Supra is one of my earliest car loves.  Toyota in the 80's killed it.

Yeah,m and Stryker is “bringing Saab back too,” right?

Dad’s got a ‘76 Caddy Eldorado convertible....I’d love to toss one of these in the engine bay, point that baby towards Texas, and drive till my toes hit the water.

P.S. - Bitch!

The south never ceases to amaze me in how greasy it is, week in, week out.

“And that was the day I ruined the California State Fair for everyone waiting in line behind me.”

“Was on its THIRD ENGINE?” Dude. That’s no diamond in the rough there, that’s a rolling liability.

The proper reply would have been “Oh, interesting, I’ve slept with several members of your sorority.

This was a spectacular piece, with excellent perspective. In late August of 2008, I quit my job at a small boutique advertising job based in Austin and moved to Chicago, figuring that agencies would be handing out jobs left and right to a plucky young exec like myself. The problem was that as I drove east, the entire

I’d like to think the cartel guys might just pop them off from 1000 yards away or so, from the other side of the border.

Yeah, the minute a couple of these wanna-be “oper8tors” get shot in the dark, especially while carrying their precious AR’s with them will end their little wargames real quick, I would think.

The Mueller report cleared Fat Donald of absolutely nothing, and these idiot conservatives shouldn’t be cheering a laundry list of lies and crimes against America that this administration has already committed.

I’m sorry, but did you say thirty-two THOUSAND?

Christ, I had no idea this clown was this bad.  Let’s hope someone destroys his knees his first season out.

“Don’t worry, its only Oklahoma.  Hit ‘em again.  Hook ‘em Horns!”

Yet another reason why I love Baltimore...though I’m a Natty Boh man, myself.

Yeah, but at least you can hammer down a couple of cheap beers at that bowling alley in the process.

I live within walking distance of Wrigley Field, and go to a handful of games a year, less each year I’m in the city. The costs associated with going to the games are getting astronomical; trying to take a family of four is roughly $500 before you’re even in the park - and the “Kubs Kompound” that the neighborhood has

This is pretty cool, if they can make it happen.  I’d buy one of these, no question.

Why would you do this to such a beautiful piece of engineering?