
I can’t think of a bigger group of pu$$ies in America than “Bikers for Trump,” but then I remembered the “Proud Boys.”

I can say that I’ve fought not one, but two guys from Youngstown in my life, both the most wretched racists I’ve ever encountered.  Chicago is a far cry from that little hamberg.

I had an ‘87 4Runner with a slushbox and the 4-cylinder motor back in the early ‘00's when I lived in New England.  It had plenty of rust and ran through anything I put it through.  Sold it to a stupid kid when I got a new car, who put it into a tree within 3 weeks of owning it.  I’d give a pretty penny to have that

The footage of this little cock getting dragged out of the Super Bowl was pretty epic, however.

God, this was well said, and I agree with every single word.  Portnoy is the kind of noxious scum that has needed a quick jab or two to the face for years now, and karma for some reason has never caught up with him.  It will soon enough, however, and when it does, I hope it’s on-camera.

It’s already been hooned to within an inch of its life by multiple idiots.  Hell no.

They call them “cape codders” in New England.

There’s two noteworthy standards in this world, “hot,” or “conservative hot,” (the latter being a hard 4 in the real world, and an “8" in Republican circles,) and “drunk,” or “Russian drunk” where a sea captain rams his cargo ship into a busy highway in broad daylight.

“He got a signifigantly different massage than I did.”  Yeah, I bet he did, ma’am.  I bet he did.

Ha.  Already there.  I just happen to own a ‘96 LS400 of my own, and I’ve got less than 150k on the clock.  Way I see it, I’ll never buy another car again, and it REALLY freaks the young ones out when then get into that time capsule of mine.

Ahh, he was going for the CHEAP hookers too.  So much the better.

as the owner of a ‘96 Lexus LS400 myself, I can’t tell you how happy this story makes me.

“Brexit” will be viewed by historians as the biggest conservative failure to ever have taken place in the world, the coffin nail for one of the greatest nations on earth.  At least we can impeach Trump before he absolutely ruins our country.

I’m right there with you, dude, but her parents raised her to be the bigger person.  Amazing grace and class that the Obama family demonstrates every day.

So the Ricketts are freebasing the fake news with both hands too, huh?  Lovely.   I knew they were bad, but not THIS bad.

I think its absolutely perfect, and hope that Lincoln sells a ton of them.

“Job?”  HA HA HA. 

This woman was the best thing about the documentary.  She exemplified strength, grace, and class.  She deserves every penny coming to her.

“I just like the way they feel.”

I see four little “oppressed” conservative snowflakes who should have been dragged out behind the gym by a couple of the players cousins.