
Yeah...Chapelle hangs with a much higher caliber of dudes than R.Kelly could ever aspire to.  I think that if it ever came down to it, he’d just call Nas and ask to borrow some of his muscle for a day or so, and that would have squashed things even faster than they already were.

I loved my 9-3 so much, and still kick myself for selling it before moving to Chicago every week.  Was a 2-door coupe imported from Germany, I was such a fool.

I can’t wait for further discovery in the emoulment lawsuits.  And I can’t believe these conservatives are trying to say “but he’s not collecting a paycheck.”  He stuffs taxpayer dollars into his own pockets at every given opportunity.  Trump will pay for his grifting and crimes against America.

Fucking hell.  Toss him into GP until he gets sentenced.  12 year old girl.  What a “killer” old Cletus here is.

You’ve been hooned, put away wet, and hooned again, baby.  CP all the way.

Having a hard time with your chosen reality, snowflake?  Too bad.

Yeah, slaughter the brown people, then its off to the slash and burn of one of the world’s ecological treasures.  Conservatives are filth.

They’ve done a nice job with it, I gotta say.  And I hate going west of Racine, myself :)

I’m on Broadway and Barry and can absolutely recommend Dram Shop next to Stella’s diner - you can miss that one real easy.  Kinda hate Friar Tuck’s.  I do enjoy Dryhop sometimes, though it is overpriced.  Still a great neighborhood, though getting pricier by the minute!

Yeah buddy!  Those are the only two worth visiting in the area....though I will venture into Murphy’s Bleachers if I’m with people who need to do that sort of thing.  I draw the line there, however.!

I call it the “Cubs Corporate Compound,” and live a mile south.  The tickets are god-awful expensive.  Though I do like having the Big Star there, I gotta admit.

Ah, yes, the Ricketts family.  As we say here in Chicago, “money can’t fix ugly.”

Man, that thing’s greasy.

The worst part is that he isn’t a fat guy from Chicago, but rather a fat guy from Plainfield, CLAIMING to be from Chicago.

Man, and here I thought Philly was the greasiest town in PA.

“Support Chicago?”  Chicago is the economic driver of the entire state.  And you’re probably a Cardinals fan, too.

It may be fast, but you’ll never get the smell of Larry Garner’s failure out of this one.  CP, all day.

Difference between the VW and the Mazda?  The Mazda won’t nickle and dime you for the car’s entirety.  Still love this design, would purchase.

Ohio is one of the most inbred, racist places in this country of ours.  Youngstown itself is pretty much a klan rally with a mayor.

Proud boy trash rides again, this time going full-on nazi?  They still won’t dare march in Chicago.