
Junior is such a greasy little f*ck. I look forward to the day hes trading degrading favors for extra ramen flavoring packets whilst in prison.

This museum would be incredible, but was just in Siena, missed the horse race by two weeks, but thats some awesome short-track fury in itself.

Mr. Saito, your articles are consistently superb, and you get to see some very cool things in your travels. If you’d like to switch lives for a week, let me know. You’ll love Chicago, I assure you.

I hate the fucking Eagles, man.

If I ever were to hit the lottery, Singer would be one of the top ten places I call first. Magnificent work.

Not the Cook County that I know....then again, Im on the north side of Chicago, and if some redneck tried to pull this here, the result wouldn’t be pretty. On the plus side, the mouthbreathers don’t come to Lakeview much, save to slink into a Cubs game when they can afford a bleacher seat.

I drove a Lancia Ysplanti in Italy a few weeks ago as my rental car, thought I was going to hate the little toaster on wheels, but actually had a ton of fun in her, zipping through the hills in Tuscany. Ill forever be a fan for that week alone, and I never even got to drive one of the cool ones.

But Travis stuck the landing, and isn’t a dick, so I think we all know who the real winner is here.

Im scheduled to jump these fountains here in a few minutes. Better give me a shot of Turkey first. Ah, rednecks.

Shes bone stock and beautiful. I hope someone who truly appreciates her picks her up and drivers her for 300,000 miles.

Save for the Suzuki, these are all reasonable choices. Something is very odd about all of this.

“Wait, we’re not doing the Horst Wessel song like I requested?”

There’s probably 100,000 Trumplicking conservatives in Orange County who are convinced that “more pollution makes them better Americans,” and then there’s the rest of the state that hates those morons.

My thoughts exactly. Though the Hornet is a pretty cool fighter jet, too.

My 10 pound cat at home, when he’s feeling aggro enough, can put the hurting on my forearm, and that’s when we’re just playing around.

That train looks like a big platypus, and that’s a good thing.

Just effortlessley cool.

Yeah, this car still gives me a boner. So does Demi Moore. Other than that, the 80's are way overrated.

I dig your style, man.

I’ll go ahead and thank both of you for making my morning complete.