
To our English compatriots: I’m sure the bus service in your fine nation is at a slightly higher caliber than what is offered here in the States. However, if you’re looking for a scare, an adventure, or a way to meet a new meth-smoking buddy, try taking a bus from St. Louis to say, Cleveland sometime. Yeah, buddy, Mr.

Like 45 minutes later.

I was hoping the cop gave him a half-taze, just for being stupid, and never having visited his local librarian.

It was beautiful then, and beautiful now.

Well, my friend, that’s your situation to deal with, but I’m sure you’ll handle it with grace and patience - as best you can, that is. (And man, I hope they don’t somehow give Trump a pass with the whole banging-porn-stars after his 3rd wife just gave birth to his fifth kid thing.)

God, these days I don’t take anything for granted. Okay, glad you’re not dealing with THOSE kind of conservatives, but rather the mild ones who more than likely actually walk the walk, too.

So does that mean that you join in on the Obama-bashing when your new conservative family starts in on the “Obama was a Kenyan Muslim Homo who hates America” style-rants then?

Yeah, Kendrick took an immediate pass on this one. (Or his people did, at least.)

We’re not supposed to feel any sort of mercy or pity for little chinless wonder Trump Junior, right?

I’m 41, single, driving a ‘96 Lexus LS400 in Chicago, carry comprehensive insurance on old Betsy - and drive less than 5,000 miles a year. (Much less.) I park on the street, haven’t had a claim on her, ever, and parking tickets are the only bane of my existence. Monthly premium is $39.00.

Man, you can precisely identify the moment that engine knows its f*cked if you listen close enough.

I’ll agree with you on the water issue - though at 2am, no one is going to have the self-awareness to stagger over to the water cooler and pour their own anymore - and that’s a spill/sabotage waiting to happen, too.

God, I forgot about Cindy, and I swore that I could never forget about Cindy back in her prime in the 90's.

So maybe not a licensed cartoon character, but I’ve always dug the Saab Griffen.

Awesome. Well played, sir!

You beat me to it! The duck was the only cool thing about that car.

Oh, k-cars crossed my mind as I typed that post, but hideous as they were, this one - or  late-70's American sedans in general - still take the cake as the worst vehicles this nation produced. (American trucks were still pretty cool, at least.)

This car represents the absolute low point for American automobile manufacturing.

I just love the fact that you called the chinless weasel out for his deadlift form, or lack thereof.

Yeah, but the cocaine will take the edge right off those 11% IPA’s.