
Man, you guys want to see some true alcohol abuse? Come out to the north side of Chicago about 3pm after the St. Paddy’s parade downtown is over. The scene will pin your damn ears back. I’ve tended bar every St. Pat’s in this town for the past 10 years, and its still a morbid obsession of mine to watch the carnage

I just picture everyone on the plane being issued a carton of second-tier smokes and a bottle of vodka as they boarded, and the cabin being a hellishly loud haze-filled tube as the good people screamed their way across the continent.

I saw them play a bar show last summer in Chicago (before they played a street festival the the next day.) Maybe 250 people in the room (The Beat Kitchen) and there was no opener - they took the stage and played nonstop for three hours. Blew my mind. Old dudes can still rock and roll.

Please tell me that’s not really the case.

Weak, nonexistent chins like those are immediate indicators of poor genetics.

I see one of these in downtown Chicago every day, and I love it. Should have had the suicide doors, but otherwise, its lovely.

Now that is one pretty automobile.

I thought it was a late 90's Mitsubishi Eclipse with a body kit on it.

I want the goddamned scalp.

I’ve always wanted to know how this was done, yet have always been too ashamed to ask.

Malort is an acquired taste, no question. But its also a digestif.

Well, yeah, those will still be around after the nuclear winter is over. They’ll take 300k+ and still keep going. An exception to the general rule, but you’ve got me there.

Is it Japanese? Mine’s “only” 22 years old, but I only drive it on the weekends. I should have clarified a little better.

I feel the same way whenever someone describes a 30+ year old car as a “daily driver.”

Think any jury in America would convict young Hogg if he went on old Jones’ show and shot him in the kneecap on-camera?

I’ve rented one of these things once against my will, and have no sympathy whatsoever for this thing.

Ah, the suble nuance of a Trumplicker when faced with facts and reality: “Nuh-uh! Fake news!”

Are we supposed to feel bad that these worthless Nazi f*cks lost a good deal of their bot “followers?” Suck it up and deal with it, snowflakes.

Watched the first half of ‘Atomic Blonde” on an airplane a couple days ago, and I’m pretty sure McAvoy was driving one of these in it - supposedly in East Berlin, in 1989. Beautiful car.

Or for “boomsticks?”