
Dale Jr. has always struck me as a pretty cool guy. That is all.

True, true. Guess I’m also forgetting trying to keep a car in NYC? Nightmare. It’s enough of a chore parking on the street here in Chicago.

I bet the arresting officers gave these hilljacks the boots a little, and I can’t say I blame them. How does any early 20-something get their hands on an AMG, anyway?

Meh. Give me a Landcruiser any day of the week.

He, his whole moral code changed when he swapped parties. Shut your hap, Hastert.

I had to step back for a moment before I recognized the sarcasm there. :)

The author is a genius, and I’d like to date his little sister, most likely.

Those poor little girls. They don’t stand a chance, and the older one is probably already pregnant by her uncle.

Yeah, that was the first thing that I thought, too. Gene pool isn’t real deep in that family, is it?

Yes, this so much, all day long.

Love the fact that you’re hanging here with the rest of us geeks, hate the fact you brother would ever suggest a “Humvee” for you, possibly one of the most unreliable and worst vehicles on the planet.

If I want a 90's minivan, I want the 4WD MPV...

I’m fortunate enough to fly a few dozen times a year (ah, the glamour of modern air travel) - and if I work it out right, I can be asleep before the plane even leaves the ground.

Yeah, all well and good, car nerds, but what if you live in a big city, say, Chicago - and you don’t have access to things like a driveway, or a fancy hose? It’s off to the carwash for us, sadly.

This, right here, represents the dumbing-down of America in one 4-minute video.

I’m trying to not got buy one of his Saabs.....even though I’m in Chicago. I don’t have a trailer to get in back to the city, nor a garage to work on it once it is here......but man, is it tempting.

And I’ll be f*cking up any “Proud Boy” that I encounter over the holidays. Now that’s some Christmas cheer.

Crude, but effective. I applaud your tactic.

Oh, the Breitbart cowgirls were all over this yesterday as well. Of course, they were also convinced that the Las Vegas shooter was “antifa,” too. It’s time for Cernovitch to catch his own train - to the face, at full speed.

Good man. You earned yourself some lifetime karma points with that one.