
I think its about time we write Florida off as a mistake.

Yep. My first reaction to the news that day was “I should be there.” Watching all the nazis marching and chanting, I still feel like I should have been there. In my steelies.

And who cares about what an old redneck in a stupid hat is ranting about again, now?

Well, hell. Michigan is close enough to Chicago where I can bop over and buy one of his Saabs. Only problem is not having a place to store it here in the city....and the one for sale has, I assume, a master cylinder issue.

God bless this dealership and the work they do.

The hood and grille are a total (cheap) rip-off of an Aston-Martin, but I don’t hate that, and I don’t hate this car.

Say what you will about his character, but the man will forever be a hero to me for his “Hey, I’m not Steve Bannon trying to suck my own c*ck” line.

ah, the craving for delicious meth is a strong one, indeed. What is the correlation with tweakers and no shirts?

Hey, no judgement here - especially if these guys (ladies too) have been trapped in a tuna can for weeks on end.

I thought the exact same thing. Probably some speed holes drilled into this sucker somewhere, too.

Hookers don’t count though.

I hope they beat him before they rape him. And I’m talking about just on the way to the county jail.

I spent a good 15 minutes doing figure-8 donuts in a dirt parking lot in Luckenbach, TX in a rented 4-Runner this summer, much to my girlfriend’s non-amusement. “We’re going around again!”

He already emptied his magazine earlier.

Yeah, some serious jail time should be an eye-opening experience for her. Screw this chick.

Fair enough, but have you ever heard a better argument for maintaining a compost pile? The cops will never waste their time on a missing clown, either.

Well, that’s just plain nice then. He’ll probably put in his 20 years, start collecting his pension, and go work at the garden section of your local Home Depot or start a landscaping service and be happier than he ever has been.

That is both perfect, and disturbing imagery all at once. I see he went for the “full douche” look. Basketball shorts in public, huh? Replete with small yappy dogs? Maybe the gardening keeps him in a zen state, or provides some kind of therapy - though 6am lawnmowers are a bitch to deal with. Still, your average cop

“cool” is subjective. Most people (non motorheads) would have said no way in hell from the outset.

Hmm. Maybe not. But you can swing it faster than its wooden counterpart at least.