
That’s when you grab the Louisville Slugger from inside the garage, and let him know that it will only escalate from that point.

Seems reasonable to me. But man, he’ll be repaying her for years to come for her being cool with this. Which also sounds reasonable to me.

I had a cousin who bought a used one about 15 years ago. My uncle said in retrospect, he would have rather gotten a can of gasoline and set the thing ablaze before my cousin could have gotten his hands on what turned into be a miserable moneypit.

Sounds like you have but one option here - buy another Jeep.

Has the requisite “LS swap” comment been made yet?

I replaced mine with a Lexus LS400 - bulletproof and fast enough for me, but nowhere near as fun and quirky. The Mazda is fun at least - though you just killed a few stereotypes for me! At least you’re out there having global adventures - and will be living in a market where manuals are the norm, rather than the

I want to meet, and date this young woman’s mother, especially if that’s what she’s been teaching her. Awesome.

Mid 80's BMW’s are the last generation that can be trusted to last with any sort of decent reliability.

My, another ugly white guy with a beard preaching “supremacy.” This clown isn’t the worst example, but why are these guys so enamored with the “inbred white hick” look?

Sold mine when I moved to Chicago. Hope you were able to find a suitable cool replacement out in the ME. (I have this fantasy in my head that you can show up in the UAE and they’re practically giving away lightly-used Mercs and BMW’s as the oil guys discard them for newer models....)

I had a sleepover with a young person just last Thursday evening. Does it still count if I left at 4am because I had to get to the office the next morning, and she had (college, yes, clowns) class at noon, and it wasn’t during a hurricane?

This man is a goddamn hero, and I still miss my ‘01 9-3 coupe.

I’m not gonna judge you for that. I’m a Jameson guy myself. And I still tend bar one or two nights a week at a big, obnoxious college bar in Chicago for kicks, money, and scenery.

The bus in Chicago is, at best, where the weirdos go to eat sandwiches and talk to themselves. I’m on the red line anytime I can take it, and it’s WAY faster than those cursed buses.

Best part: she pauses first to take off her shoes so she can do the job perfectly. Fuck yeah.

Ha. Okay, fair enough. Appreciate your twenties then, and try not to get anyone pregnant till at least after age 25.

yeah. You also stop drinking Jager about age 26 or so. Revel in your 20's while you still have them, dude.

That’s the other part about it.

I spent a year working for a guy who had this exact plan; he had a fleet of over 100 classic American muscle cars - drivable ones, not numbers-matching, and he was planning to rent them out to “qualified drivers.” It was ambitious, but the business wasn’t there - and neither was anyone willing to insure the endeavor.