
Because these guys followed their passion, and thought that this was going to be the prime example of an American-made musclecar that they wanted to preserve. There’s nothing wrong with this endeavor. They didn’t hurt anyone, this isn’t something you see everyday, and they stored it properly.

It’s the same little nazi, the one who said “we may have to kill some of these people” during the Vice doc.

Wonder when he’ll crawl out from under his hiding rock, and which nazis will be dumb enough to try and defend him when he reappears?

I love the fact that there are people like this in the world. And I hate the fact that they have to sell it because of health care bills.

Oh, I’ve got mine.

Fair enough. Sounds like you have enough practice with your weapon(s) to where you’re comfortable doing so. I don’t CC, so I don’t have a dog in this fight.

Let me guess - the video started off with the guy being white, right?

Round chambered, yeah, but safety on, right? That double-action pull for the first shot helps the safety factor, too.

This the same woman that did the infamous Micheals rant in Chicago last year? She made the same Trump claims...

They’ve gotten to the point where they can freebase cheese curds in Wisconsin.

I live in Chicago, but am a Packer fan. I’ve been having SO MUCH FUN with the Glennon signing, giving my buddies hell.

I knew she had been saving herself for me all along.

Welcome home, man.

Hey Chicago!

“Full metal dinner jacket.”

This is such a cool idea....if that “infrastructure” thing actually goes through, throwing some money at this project would be awesome.

What? First Liberace, and now this? Where has everything pure and good in this world gone to? :)

That’s hilarious.

Something tells me this kid must have had a pretty good GPA to pull this stunt off and still get into Stanford.

Bless you for your determination and foolishness.