
Mermen sound cool in principle, but in practice, something is missing.

"Project Titan will now be called 'Titanville'"

I think every person who has ever voted to restrict abortion rights should be handed an unwanted child on the way out of the voting booth. Let's see how well they enjoy forced parentage.

I've mentioned it on here before, but some internet crazy threw at me, "You know you KILLED your child, right?!" when I wrote about my termination. For medical reasons. For a baby who wouldn't survive. Who was threatening my life.

I'm a gamer, and I've never played GTA.

This one is cracking me up:

Teaching middle school is the best for confiscating stuff. I have always wanted to start a blog called "Catch of the Day" showing the things I take away. It reaches its zenith during the magazine drive and I take away the prizes that are given away to the students for selling a certain amount of magazines.

I usually am mostly distracted by the fact that his name is Tasty Oreo. (mmm...Oreos.)

I loved this show, but especially the characters of Boo and Ginny for their frank talk about how their body types have affected their confidence as dancers. And because they were both so funny.

I'm just going to put this here (via)

Thank you- this is dismissive:

If Amanda were felled by an illness like Crohn's disease or migraines, it wouldn't be such a source of fascination and joking. Mental illness, though, is ok to laugh at because "OMG CRAZY." I hope for a day when there's no stigma attached to mental illness.


I'm strangely disappointed.

WHAT IS WITH TAMPON MOOCHERS! I just discovered a woman that I work with (who asks me for 1-2 tampons per cycle) is also hitting up all of the other women in the office. She's basically not ever buying tampons? I can't say no, because I've been there and would never leave someone high and not-so-dry, but WTF? If

Children are not goblins.

Bradley needs to work on his pokerface.

Yep. That mischievous grin at the end proves it.

Man, if I were T-Swift I'd wear the shit out of that shirt.