
My theory is that it's considered worse for boys to act like girls because things coded as feminine are considered inferior. Whenever there's an article about kids and gender norms you get lots of women posting semi-boastfully about how they never loved barbies and pink shit and just liked to play with trucks and

I've read this twice and I'm trying to find out if we angry that this happened or if we're mad that the media made this A Thing because it was the wimmenfolk.

Say what now? The jurors did not sit in an empty room, staring at each other intensely for a month? HOW DARE THEY?
Just stop it. So many things are wrong with this case, and you go after THIS?

I love how the 'Note' at the end quietly mentions these women had to pay for all services and experiences themselves. So basically the beef is they were allowed outside of their rooms? Being on a sequestered jury should not mean you are held in solitary detention. The fact any excursion required a chaperon is a

Wait, I'm supposed to be angry now that a Sherrif escorted them to an outback where they were allowed to purchase their own blooming onion? There are many reasons to feel outrage over the Zimmerman trial. This is not one of them.

Want me to get mad about this? Show me that this treatment went above and beyond what would be "normal" for a sequestered jury, and we'll see if I can muster up some outrage for you. Being sequestered must be incredibly stressful—no contact with the outside world for 22 days is a long time. The state needs to do

I'm okay with making sure jurors who are completely sequestered and on such a high profile case don't go completely stir crazy during the process. Though I think the Outback trip and Lone Ranger are both questionable under the 8th Amendment.

There is no dichotomy here. They can bring great news coverage without treating the murderer like a glamorous rock star on the cover.

So, are we supposed to be offended or upset by this? Your headline definitely implies that we should be. Perhaps you should fix it to show that it is OK and fine that CVS doesn't want to put this guys face in any of their stores?

[Criticism about your macaroni privilege.]

I usually avoid stores on back-to-school tax-free weekends so I don't have to deal with the crowds. Also, I know that Texas only allows it to be tax free on the first $100 spent on specific items (or at least this used to be the policy), so you have to make a lot of small purchases at a bunch of stores to get a lot of

80%? Really? Why am I never surveyed? Am I left out of surveys because I am a freak of nature?

Only in America could so many trolls (keep 'em gray!) insinuate that education is a bad thing because it "implies the person was stupid to begin with". I am all out of evens today, I have no evens to give.

As an LGBTQ-allied librarian, I hate this.

Really? I haven't read any of the Superior Spider-man storyline yet, but that actually sounds like a reasonably cool "What-if" scenario.

They're not unused rooms - the cats sleep in there.

I must have started after that was a thing.

That's a great solution if your fish is flopping around your house, ruining your gadgets, but it won't work for most pets.

Wow, really? Dude, just skip the article and move to the next. This one's obviously not for you.