thoughts and prayers.
thoughts and prayers.
Her sentence was the longest sentence for any leaker, ever. Yes, the leak was huge, but as the NY Times points out, none of the material was classified as Top Secret.
Here’s a song to help you perfect your shimmy. I love it.
THIS is the “big government” interference people should be terrified of. What a horrendous breach of women’s rights.
Twelve Asshats Running
“...murdered for refusing to have sex with Ferreira at a party.”
...if there’s one signifier of executive competency it’s adherence to rigid and unchanging dogma based on a collection of myths assembled over centuries by corrupt oligarchs with political agendas.
Contact the author in heaven.
Oh wow, another misogynist woman-hating teenager who wants to murder women en masse because he was rejected by a female. This shit is getting real old. People - stop raising your boys to think that they are *owed* a woman. We are people, we have agency, we are NOT prizes that one can “win” by being nice or because you…
A note to hiring managers. We know that you receive scores of resumes and not everyone will get an interview. However, those who actually get the opportunity to sit down with someone should receive some form of communication after, even if we don’t get the job.
Guns are our religion and the human cost is the sacrifice we’ve deemed acceptable to pay.
Every time this happens it is like the floor has fallen out from under me. And yet I am also not surprised.
If Baker didn’t tell the couple about her last-minute absence, that is indeed uncool.
THanks. I really hate news stories that are videos. I came here to read an article (videos are blocked at work), not watch a video.
I for one like the fact that we got these super long games now. We got bang for our buck. That’s the way it should be. And those who feel they don’t have the time, simply go trough the main quest and ignore the side activities, you can shave a lot of time off these games.
*Openly admits to being a white cis male who lives in a not shady side of Northern Indianapolis*
I welcome our future androgynous overlords tbh
This is such a fucking waste of time. It’s not going to pass the Senate and they know it. They’re just posturing for their fan base of rabid idiots.
Yeah, no. Just being a woman isn’t enough to get this woman’s vote. To boot, I won’t be voting for Hillary in the primaries, but she’ll get my vote if she is nominated. I have no problem voting for a man over a woman if I can trust them to better represent my interests.