
Same here, not a native but have lived in Texas for 10 years now. Never seen anything made of it beyond a moment of silence at a football game.

I’m a map librarian and am happy to provide examples of how physical maps are still useful.

Preach. The Mint Julep Masque is my favorite face goop.

It may be useful to specify what you mean by high school, are you looking for freshman to senior year or only classes taught at a school called a high school.

Exactly. My two cats spend the majority of their time indoors, when outdoors they wear a harness and leash.

Beer. I will drop good money on good beer without even batting an eye.

Yeah, I want these, but with a black bottom instead of the brownish tan color.

As someone who grew up in the Boston Mountains area and went to college in the Ouachita Mountains area, thank you. Arkansas is a wonderfully beautiful state with lots to do. I don’t live in the state anymore, I certainty don’t miss the crazy politics, but I do miss the beauty. I love going back to vacation/visit

...and that’s my high school. So glad I left my home town.

I would be interested to see how they’ve tackled the copyright issues tied to this. I know of a special collection library that is working to make their large archive of fanzines digitally available and acquiring the permissions to do so has been complicated and time consuming.

I use the $25 Ulta knock off with my cetaphil soap. It is awesome, my skin is so smooth and I no longer have white head issues.

I hear that one quite often, then I point out that not only do I not read books all day but that I also work in a map library. From there it becomes a discussion about their surprise that map libraries are a thing and then like what do I even do, doesn’t everyone just use Google, why isn’t everything digitized, etc.

Typically the author pays to have their paper published, as this cost deters authors from going the OA route many foundations, grants, and libraries make money available to cover the costs.

The only movie I enjoyed 3D in was when Disney released Beauty and the Beast in 3D. It was like watching a popup book.

Do people really have all those issues with suction cup holders that come with the razor? This has been a total non-issue for me. I stuck the holder to the shower wall and it's still there, not a problem. My razor stays in it just fine too.

You can purchase it straight from BH Cosmetics for $12 and change.

Mine didn't come in until I was 25 and it sucked, I had horrible migraines until I got them pulled.

This movie is great if you want to laugh the entire night.

I did none of those things. I entered as an education major (dropped that shit fast, the school I attended sticks you in classrooms your first semester) and second semester switched to a design/technical theatre degree.

The soundtrack is the only saving grace the movie had. I own the soundtrack and not the movie. I rented the movie, sat through it thinking about how terrible it was, and then went out and bought the soundtrack.