
There was a girl at my junior high school who went by CJ, it stood for Cobra Jem. She hated it, I would hate to have it as my name too. It would make a great stage name though!

I am in complete agreement. I loved that film as a kid and still enjoy it as an adult. It is fun and I love the costume designs.

It does for some, not for me. The banning of guns would only keep them out of the hands of law abiding citizens, criminals such as the man who did this would still get their hands on them. I don't need my guns taken from me because a smaller portion of the population can not be responsible with them.

I'm not sure how strict all the states are. But, granted this was for my hunting license not to just own a gun, I had to take a two day long course to get my hunters education card which is required in the state of Arkansas to purchase a hunting license. The course was very educational and covered everything from gun

So, with all that said, what is the best way to dispose of the broken down computers I have shoved in the back of a closet in my house? I'm about to move and don't want to cart them with me but the reason they are still there is that I have no clue what to do with them. There were some stores locally that use to take

I completely agree. I have a cat that does this same thing with pant legs. He will burrow his way in, completely of his own free will, and love every moment of it. The only ones I have to rescue him from are my jeans that have skinnier legs. I don't think anything cruel is taking place here.

I remember the first thing my acting prof said to me in my vocal performance class in college. "You form your words funny, where are you from?" It ended up being a really great teaching moment on accents and how the tongue and mouth shapes and placements play into them.

I really want that stereoscope card for the family collection. It is so easy to find cards of pretty ladies, flowers, and farm scenes. Collecting the ones that are actually interesting can be hard!

I to love that blue outfit. I want to go home, bust out my sewing machine and make a homemade version. If only I had somewhere to wear it!

My father and I ran across a mountain lion while hunting once (this was in Arkansas). It was an amazingly beautiful and somewhat scary moment. The cat stared us down for a moment and then moved on. We stood in silence for a while and then hiked out to the truck. We didn’t want to invade his territory any longer, plus

I know so many people I would buy this for! Between this article and the one on children's books I could be set on gift giving for awhile.

The only barbie stuff I've kept from my childhood are the clothes she made and two dolls to put them on. She made the most amazing doll clothes for me, hand stitched, tiny buttons and zippers, lace, etc. They were fully functional, adult like clothes in barbie size.

My barbies were much more into my brother's GI Joe dolls also. They were muscular, had scars, and they had knees and elbows that bent! My granny made clothes for the GI Joes so they would have "date outfits" and not just army clothes.

Who knew my mom was sporting a "cool" hairstyle four years ago when recovering from brain surgery.

Do they hook you up to the magic IV? Off the top of my head I can't think of what the drug was, but they would administer it to me via an IV, it would get rid of my headache super quick.

I also have B12 issues, but it didn't really start up until after I was put on blood thinners. I began having the worst migraines ever. I had never had one before and the first one scared me so bad I went to the ER- I had a blood clot at the time and was concerned that it had broken off or something. When the

Can you please mail me those jeans? I'm 5'9 and have a hard time finding pants that are long enough that don't cost more than $120. Quite frankly pants that cost more than $40 are usually out of my budget. I just wore out a pair of jeans this week and need to replace them, I am dreading the shopping trip.

These monsters are the spawn of Satan. Me and the Mr. moved into a rental house that was occupied by bed bug, we called up the folks we rent from to complain and the girl who answered the line freaked out and told me it had to be my fault for being dirty. Excuse me, I’ve just moved into the house and haven’t even

Since I work in a library, I imagine I come home from working smelling like this. Who knew it was a cool thing now.

When I was a kid we would go swimming at a local state park in a river. I remember telling my mother I needed to go to the bathroom and her telling me to just go in the water. I was horrified- think of the fishies!- I told her I couldn’t do it and I needed her to walk me to the bathroom. She told me to just go in the