Yep. We have a cloth mouse toy that you fill with catnap. One of my cats will just chew on it, drool all over it, and lick it until it is dripping wet. He will even dig it out of the toy box day later to go at it again.
Yep. We have a cloth mouse toy that you fill with catnap. One of my cats will just chew on it, drool all over it, and lick it until it is dripping wet. He will even dig it out of the toy box day later to go at it again.
Aside from it being terrible to allow a doctor to lie to someone because of their own personal opinions on anything- the doctor not informing a woman about a birth defect bothers me for another reason.
For reals! One of my cats is trained to give kisses and the other one plays kitty baseball with us! If you throw a ball at him he will bat it with his paw, run around you, and then is ready to do it all over again.
Oh, another article on Jezebel about how horrible strapless dresses are? I love em, my boobs look good in them and if the dress is well made and I'm wearing a good bra with it I have no problem with it staying up. Yeah, it isn't going to be for everyone- hell I can't wear yellow, so I don't which is exactly what women…
I was asked if I had insurance and told them yes. At that point she told me they couldn't see me because of a new law that said they couldn't treat insured folks. So I guess if I'd lied and said no I could have gotten in to the clinic!
I second the health dept, but call ahead and make sure you can get it from them. My husband and I drove to our county health dept to get our boosters only to find out you can't get it at the health dept in Texas if you have insurance. So best to check before making the drive.
That depends on if they gave you just the tetanus or the full Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) shot. I would ask the doctor to check your records.
I read this book a month (or two?) ago. It is a very fun and easy read.
My mother has had some many issues with the machine's inaccuracy that she doesn't use it to grade the sheets anymore. She instead has a sheet where she has hole punched out the correct answers and lays it over her students sheets.
We organize it so it costs us very little too.
We host a final weeks at the campus library I work at. We give out free coffee and hot cocoa, free massages, there is a yoga instructor, and we have dogs come in. The students seem to really like it so that's cool by us- make the students happy and they are more likely to approve library usage fee increase which are…
I have a hormonal. The copper ones have a tendency to make periods heavier and since I take blood thinners I didn't need any extra help with that.
My IUD is the BEST THING EVER! Maybe I just have a uterus of steel or something but I had one cramp when the doctor was measuring the depth of it all and that was it. I'm lucky enough that my insurance paid for the entire procedure, which itself only took like ten minutes, all I paid was my copay to see the lady…
I really, really hope I am in a situation sometime within the next week where I can say: Oh, fuck. We're stuck in a stock photo!
I feel like I missed out on a childhood right here. We didn't have uniforms, we just had the sashes you sew the badges on and tshirts. Bummer.
Same here, its a nasty veggie.
I weep y'all!
I am exactly the same way. If I wasn't reading this at work I would be downloading it right now just so I could see how terrible it is.
As backwards as those rules are, if you agree to them as a student then you need to follow them. If you choose to take a stance and try to change the rules, you have to be aware that there could be repercussions.
Hmm... I did a report on a lighting objects in a lighting class in college, one of the objects I touched on were the slippers- at the point in the musical where Elpheba turns the slippers from silver to ruby (by heating them up with her spell and Nessa says that her feet feel like they're on fire) they used lighting…