
I've only played with the expansion once and would love to again! It's one of those games where you have to find a group who are willing to sit down and invest a weekend to play, which is difficult to do. One of these days I play to dig the game out, purchase the expansion for myself, and play again- even if I half to

Yep, never heard that comparison myself.

There was a kid in my 10th grade history class who sat in study hall for the two weeks we studied the Holocaust. His family believed it was fake and that the school shouldn't be teaching students lies. Thankfully he thought his parents were just as crazy as everyone else did.

That is amazing!

I would enter a pageant just for that title!

It came across to as more exaggerated than need be. There are 8 titles, from what I can quickly gather from the website, in Arkansas that are University based. It could be a southern thing I guess, but I grew up where this was standard fare. The way it was presented here you'd think OBU was the only school in America

I grew up on the Arkansas/Oklahoma border. I knew of many of the pageants that were University based from living there, I just pulled up from the 'Miss' websites all the collegiate titles available in the two states.

Since when is a University having their own pageant such a strange event that it requires ALL CAPS?

lol! All those silly women, they obviously can't have a sense of humor!

Ah. But folks do.

I'm so glad to see this on here!

This applies to more medical issues than just cancer. I had to ask multiple doctors about pregnancy before I got one who would actually sit down and talk with me. The others always side stepped it- "that’s a discussion for a future visit" or "we’ll cross that bridge when the time comes". Those aren’t helpful answers!

I guess I was lucky. Had mine taken out this past Thanksgiving. The only pain killer I took was ibuprofen. I slept the day of once I got home and then was up and at it the next day. I do have a high tolerance for pain, but all in all it was kinda no big deal.

I completely agree with you! I know in Arkansas you can't get a license without a nice little orange card stating you took and passed an eight hour hunters education/safety course. I won't lie, going into it I already knew most of what the instructor had to share, but there were some things I didn't. Half were just

Yeah, I was very worried about using just condoms and freaked (like crying on the couch, rocking back and forth, and counting down the minuets until the pharmacy opened) when one came off during sex. At that point my wonderful doctor hooked me up with an IUD- best thing ever!

This article seriously pisses me off. The flippant tone used when discussing the link between blood clots and hormonal birth control is completely and disgustingly inappropriate. It is a known risk, it should be made very clear to those on birth control that it is a serious risk and not just one of those back page

My biggest shoe disaster involved a day that wasn't rainy when I left home but became so later.

I had that reaction too!

This only double confirmed my goody-two-shoes standing. I'm giving myself a pat on the back for having to Google what some of the drugs were.

Thank you so much! I managed to find the exact style of the one I currently have!