
Gift shops are a huge income generator for museums and memorials. These places are nonprofits, so it's not like they're just running the gift shops to make handfuls of cash - they need the income to stay open. The Oklahoma City bombing memorial gets 25% of its income from the gift shop, and they rely on that money as

Anne Frank House is the epicentre of inappropriate selfies, so that's not a geographically restricted phenomenon.

Haha, yeah I would have to put that in the "no" pile.

I think there are some very good reasons for the museum to have a gift shop, but they also have a responsibility to choose the items they sell extremely carefully. This... was not a good choice.


This is adorable and I like the way it makes everything very clear and accessible! I'm curious about what is says for the As (asexual people) - would you be willing to share that translation as well?

Yeah, this crossed my mind as well.

That's what she said.

Well if I think about how it's made I agree with you.

I do LOVE stripey jello and get very excited like a child when I see it. That jiggly thing I just added in to horrify everyone - wth is up with that colour??

Yeah, I have to agree with you there. Slightly mesmerising, though, right?

But... but... stripey jello!!

When I was in high school, I refused to stand during the pledge. We had several Jehovah's Witnesses who also refused to stand, so I'm pretty sure no one really thought much or cared about my motivations. Then I went into our 'Advanced Speech' class and part of that class was reading the announcements for a week. I

Yeah, it's like every time I come back to the Jez mainpage I'm reminded why I'm never here any more. I mean, I get that Jezebel isn't an explicitly feminist website but seriously what the hell is going on with these comments? Disemvoweling is too good for some of them.

Yeah, I mentioned that as well - the linked article mentions that he dyed the jeans navy first and then dyed them black, which I'm guessing is how he got that colour. I've dyed jeans black before and they've just looked... kinda dark grey/muddy blue-black. I just use a mix of navy and black, but there's a UK brand

The article mentions that he used navy first and wasn't happy with the colour and then used black over top. I think this is probably an important part of how he got that colour - when I've dyed jeans before I've usually used a mix of black and navy dyes to get the colour right. (Black usually just gave me dark

I want to have all of your babies.

Maybe that Arthur Slugworth from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory moved on to ice cream!

I am both slightly skeptical about this and sad that it probably won't make it to the UK - and if it does, only the crappy flavours will be allowed through HM Customs.

I think Kinja ate my reply, but I would love to get one of these! I don't care if it's a $10 ring or a $1000 ring, it just seems like fun.