I totally didn't want one until I read this article. Now I'm all like WE NEED THESE SHITTY STINKY CANDLES IN THE UK TOO GIVE THEM TO ME NOW
I totally didn't want one until I read this article. Now I'm all like WE NEED THESE SHITTY STINKY CANDLES IN THE UK TOO GIVE THEM TO ME NOW
Wait, so Jezebel can shill a $80 canvas toiletry bag or a $125 necklace made from red string and 0.00001 ounces of silver, but this is scammy?
Thank you for mentioning this! The autobiography is titled 'What Falls Away' and several reviews mention the court documents. I've just ordered a used copy on Amazon to see them for myself.
Yes, but neither Britney Spears nor Miley Cyrus are, except as far as rumours in gossip rags go. Madonna has openly stated that she's bisexual whereas neither Britney or Miley have done so. That, coupled with the performativity of it, bothers me as a bisexual because it feeds into the idea that women's sexuality, even…
I think the giveaway phrase in the article is "two manifestations of the same soul-force of unwarranted sexual bravado". How on earth could you accuse Madge of unwarranted sexual bravado unless you feel that she's too old to be sexy? Sex has been her shtick since 1983 so if anyone has warranted sexual bravado it's…
Yeah, what you're not understanding is that for most women it's really not "petty semantics". Lots of men talk the same way you do, where sex is something that men want and women own, but that's not the reality. Sex is something two people do together.
See, the fact that you say that a woman "lets him" have sex with her is pretty revealing. When both partners are enthusiastically willing, neither partner is "letting" the other have sex with them. They're both engaged participants.
Oh jesus, come on. Not all snark is bad but Jezebel has drifted way beyond snark on quite a few occasions - the bounty for Dunham's photos being only the most recent in a series of shitty things that Jez has done and then refused to apologise for. That bounty was so transparently mean-spirited - and mean-spirited…
That's why I only suggested using it if you're not using condoms.
Thanks, that's good to know! I just didn't want to go over the line my first time out.
Ha, really? Best coffee cup ever!
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me
But our trip was different. It was a classic affirmation of everything right and true and decent in the national character. It was a gross physical salute to the fantastic possibilities of life in this country-but only for those with true grit. And we were chock full of that.
Of course! That's how I'm planning to get through the whole ordeal. Get high, then get hitched. Or is it the other way around?
Oh man, finally my widowhood would be good for something! I'm off to Colorado to get hitched.
Okay, not to get too After Hours on y'all, but firstly, be careful when introducing this stuff to your or your companion's lady garden. There's a lot going on in that chocolate mint recipe, and a number of ingredients there that could be irritants or allergens (peppermint oil and cocoa butter, I'm looking at you) so…
I can't seem to edit my post but wanted to add that cornstarch can also cause yeast infections, so be careful there too!
Yeah, I would be worried about the honey (though some people use honey to combat yeast infections, i'd definitely give this a try on my own before introducing it during sexytimes). The cocoa butter doesn't actually contain sugar but some people can be allergic to it. This is one of those situations where I would…
Using non-latex condoms also works! Though they're usually more expensive, so that probably defeats the purpose.