Woah, combining productivity and naughtiness? I think I've found my spiritual home!
Woah, combining productivity and naughtiness? I think I've found my spiritual home!
I know you're in bed (smart move!), but when you get a chance could you please dismiss my comment with the link in it? This has blown up way out of proportion and I'm hoping that getting the link off the MP will help us regain some equilibrium.
I think that's the best policy! I think I usually miss either the post that starts an argument or the fallout from it so I rarely feel informed enough to weigh in on them. I just mosey on by with my hands in my pockets.
I don't really have an opinion on the Pope-vs-Erin thing (I try to stay out of stuff like that), but yes - I think a lot of the negative comments were coming from one person and that was the result of a personal interaction. It wasn't like all of GT was coming out with pitchforks to cackle over Erin's downfall.
I can understand that. I personally didn't have a problem with much of what was said in the comments to that post because I think it was generally people expressing disappointment in someone whose work they had once respected and enjoyed. I think that's valid. As a long time reader, I do think that Jez has strayed…
I believe it might be this post that hocouture is referring to:
No, I wouldn't either. Gleeful? More like disappointed.
I got curious too so I did a google search for "erin moglo breakdown" (I couldn't find anything on a GT search) and I think this must be the thread that hocouture is talking about:
Agreed, that's totally her worst outfit of the season.
I don't think you can buy OxiClean in the UK anymore, unfortunately. You can make a DIY version using equal parts hydrogen peroxide (which you can get at Boots) and soda crystals (most grocery stores sell soda crystals). You'll want to either get 3% hydrogen peroxide or buy the stronger stuff (Boots has 9%, I think)…
Exactly - the entrance requirements for these short courses at Oxford and Cambridge are much lower than those for a university place. They're designed to pull in money from foreign students who think it will look good on their transcripts (it won't), local people who are looking for professional development in their…
Exactly. These stories don't surprise me necessarily, but the Daily Heil loves to round up similar anecdotes periodically in order to demonstrate the collapse of 'proper' (ie, southern, middle class) society. There's a huge dose of classism at play here.
(Oops, double post!)
Yeah, I've lived in Scotland for 12 years and haven't ever heard of it either. None of the individual stories particularly surprised me, though!
So people genuinely think that Natalie Portman and Jennifer Anniston have super attractive foreheads? As compared to other peoples' foreheads? I don't think that I've ever thought "oh wow, what a nice forehead". And I don't think I could pick one forehead from another in a lineup. It just seems to me like an odd thing…
I lost my commenting privileges for commenting on Hillary's first piece for Jez, which I thought was pretty tone deaf. Just because she's a WOC doesn't mean that she's the best person to be writing about POC issues.
Yep! AllThings, like ThisToo, must pass.
I've been using AllThings for awhile (maybe 6 months?) and I really like it. It's great for small teams, super easy to use if you're working with less tech-savvy people, and it looks pretty good too.